December 30, 2009

brown butter and sage mashed potatoes!

Okay, so let me tell you that made the most amazing mashed potatoes yesterday! I think you all should try them too, okay? Super duper good! 
Inspiration? This recipe for Brown Butter and Sage Pasta featured on The Kitchn. I had a ton of red potatoes that were about to go bad if I didn’t take action. So, I simply converted the recipe to mashed potatoes….. can I say YUMMMMM!!!!!!
Recipe: Brown Butter and Fried Sage Mashed Potatoes 
*10-12 scrubbed and diced red potatoes
*1 stick of butter
*1/4 cup of sage
*1/4 cup of milk (I used non-fat… but I suspect some heavy cream would be great!)
*Salt to taste
1. Boil a large pot of water and add diced red potatoes. Cook until tender.
2. In a large skillet, place stick of butter. Heat on medium, and let the butter melt and brown for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. The butter will get brown and some sediments will settle at the bottom of the pan. This is a good thing!
3. Add sage to the butter and cook for an additional 2 minutes. Remove from heat.

4. Drain potatoes and transfer to a large bowl. Beat with an electric mixer until smooth.
5. Beat in the milk.
6. Slowly pour in your butter and sage mixture to your potatoes. Be sure to scrape down the pan and get those dark butter bits! They are the best part of the recipe.
7. Mix, until well incorporated.
8. Enjoy the most delicious treat! 

I hope you get to try this tasty and simple recipe soon! Today I am taking miss Violet to the doctor…. boo.

Oh, and Julie and Julia is a super cute movie! The hubs picked it out to watch last night! Love me some Meryl Streep!

Bye Bye!

December 29, 2009

my office

I spent yesterday cleaning and organizing my office. Take a look!
Mr. Schroeder Dog chilling under my awesome chair!
My nook of the office (I share it with my hubby). You will never see his side of the office on my blog. It is NOT pretty….
Lanterns left over from my wedding 3 years ago!
Runner I made from some pretty Amy Butler fabric!
Best gifts from my husband! The Domino Decorating Guide (tear… i miss that magazine) and a book by Apartment Therapy!
Oh, and a little birdie told me that I might be getting a real camera! No more iphone pictures! (My home is incredibly dark as it is…. like NO USABLE WINDOWS!
Finally, I played with my Daughter’s alphabet blocks! Twas fun!
Have a great day!

December 28, 2009

the lost week… and pretty pictures

 Sometimes, I feel like the week in between Christmas and New Years’s is a lost week. I think back to years past, and nothing about any of the days between the December Holiday’s leaves a dent in my memories (except of course my sister’s birthday on the 30th!).
  What am I going to do today to make the 28th stand out? I am not sure, but I will let you know what I did tomorrow.
  Here are some pretty pictures to help you get though the day!
(source: wehearit)

December 23, 2009

deer embroidery onesie

This is what I did today……

I’m going to be uploading lots of new embroidery patterns on my etsy after the New Year!
Happy New Year’s Eve Eve.

December 22, 2009

paper flowers for decorating mini pie jars

Paper Flower Decorations!

So I made some cute paper flowers and labels for my mini pies. (I also made some mini pretty peach pies).

These are really simple to make, but I thought I would post a tutorial anyways! (Again, if Santa wanted to get me a nice big camera to replace my awful i phone camera, I would be quite happy…..)

Paper Flower Tutorial

1. Grab your favorite decorative paper (I designed my own, but any piece of scrapbook paper will do.
2. Draw 4 amorphous flowers on the paper in varying sizes (see photo above).
3. Cut out the 4 flowers.
4. Stack the flowers on top of each other, and poke a hole through the middle.
5. Cut a 12 inch piece of yarn and lace it through the hole in the paper flowers.
6. Tie a knot in the yarn (this serves as the center of your flower).
7. Take the rest of the yarn and wrap it around the top of your mason jar and tie a knot to attach.
8. Now squish all of the layers of the flower together, to add some depth.
9. Enjoy your pretty paper flower!

 I hope you enjoy!

December 21, 2009

cheery cherry christmas pie tutorial…i’m seeing red!

This was my weekend!
I made little individual cherry pies in mason jars! I am giving them as homemade Christmas gifts this year! And they are uber cute! 
Recipe (Makes 4 jar pies:

4 mason jars (8 ounce)
1 bag frozen tart cherries
2/3 cup of white sugar
1/2 teaspoon of lemon zest
2 tablespoons white flour
Dollops of butter

2 rolls frozen pie dough 
1. Combine cherries, white sugar, and lemon zest in a saucepan   over low heat until sugar is dissolved. 
2. Remove from heat and stir in  of flour 
3. Take one roll of prepared pie dough (I used store bought) and press inside an 8 oz. mason jar, until jar is covered.
4. Spoon in cherry filling into mason jar.
5. Put a dollop or two of butter on top of the cherry filling.
6. Cover filling with more dough! (see above picture for ideas). 
7. Place in oven for 30 minutes at 400 degrees.
8. Remove from oven and let cool.
9. ENJOY CHERRY PIE!!!!!!!  

I shared these little pies with two of my favorite people: 

(image courtesy of Jenna Garrett)

(Chris is a graphic designer and an AMAZING illustrator! Find him at
(Jenna has so many mad skills, it would be difficult to list them all. Check out her website!

And for fun, here are some preeeettttyyy red images!

sources: WeHeartIt and Etsy

Have a super duper Monday! 

December 20, 2009

new layout!

What do you think!?

My good friend Chris helped me out. I like him (and his girlfriend).

Oh, and a drawing to remember the day by!

bye bye!

December 18, 2009

new illustration

I made a new illustration! This little dear will be available in my shop after New Year’s. What do you think? I think that this is a happy dear, and I really love the colors I used.. (pats self on the back…..).

Check out some other goodies in my etsy shop!

i want for christmas……..


Happy Friday!

December 17, 2009


Sometimes I see portraits that make me really happy.
 I just learned of Sandra Suy today, but when I one of her works featured on decor8, I was kind of smitten. She is based out of Spain, and gave up fashion design for drawing beautiful people in beautiful clothes. (I think it was a smart move). Her etsy features prints of her original illustrations. I am tempted to buy one just so I can lust after it in my own home, instead of on my small computer screen.

I remember the first time I saw a Sargent painting. The way he represented the subject, mixing lively brushstrokes and a somewhat classical face is sort of what made me want to be an artist. I am not great with words, but I sort of lurve Sargent.

Laura Mallet’s work moves me in the same way. I love her mixed media pieces, where she combines portraiture with sewing, gold leaf, patterns. They make me feel nostalgic, longing to be a part of the world that she has constructed in each image. Oh, and I know Laura personally, so hopefully she doesn’t mind me mentioning her on my blog, but she is incredibly talented. Check out her work here. She makes me want to be a better artist.
Why do I love portrait work soooo much?
 You see, over the past few years, I gave up on fine art and portrait-work in favor of doodles and drawings that didn’t require me putting that much of myself out into the ether. I am sort of the sensitive, not good at taking criticism type. So, I stopped allowing myself to be criticized. I stopped making art. I found an abundance of excuses. I work too much. I am married. I have a baby. I’d rather be spelunking. You know the drill.

Here’s a goal: I am going to make a dedicated effort to draw more and even share it on here from time to time.
And, I won’t do toooo many of the mushy “Let’s learn more about Stacie” posts in the future. I guess I just wanted to write it on my blog, where everything I write is fair game and will exist forever in internet-land. So hold me to it!