April 30, 2010

the etsy storque must like me! my print has been featured!

So I went to check out the Mother’s Day Vote going on over at etsy, only to be SHOCKED with delight to find my print “Those Darling Buds of May” to be the main image for the voting! Go check it out! 
Although my print did not make it into the items to actually be voted on, I am so honored to be featured in this capacity.
Alright, that is it for my lunch break update!
Thanks again for stopping by!


April 29, 2010

it is giveaway time, x2!

Howdy (especially to everyone stopping by from Prudent Baby or Smile and Wave!
How is everyone doing on this gorgeous spring day?
I have a confession to make: I went to my first Razorback sporting event last night…….. conformist… I know.
It is just so darn hard to make any friends here unless you can speak the proverbial Razorback vernacular….

Moving along to the giveaways! Please head on over to Prudent Baby for your chance to win 2 prints by me! Prudent Baby and I have partnered to offer a special Mother’s Day Giveaway! For the momma, you could win my new “Those Darling Buds of May” print. For the kiddos in your life, enter to win an “Owl Alphabet Poster”.

Also, PLEASE visit Smile and Wave and enter for a chance to win your very own “Turquoise Owl Alphabet” poster by yours truly!

I did not realize that both blogs would be hosting the giveaways on the same day until, like NOW, but it is really kinda fun to meet all of these incredible people stopping by from both websites!

Thanks so much for all of the support! The shop sales have really been picking up! It really warms my little heart to share my doodles with you all, and to think that some people are purchasing them…. it makes me want to never stop smiling!
Oh, and I like Kate Nash’s song “Mouthwash”. You should listen to it! It makes me feel upbeat! (Ignore the ad at the beginning, I could not find a video of it without the ad….)
Uploaded by chloegc. – Click for more funny videos.

Thanks for stopping by!

April 28, 2010

my personal mother’s day picks

Alrighty, folks. 
Mother’s Day is right around the corner. And, seeing as how I am a mother now, I suppose I will share with you my personal picks for Mother’s Day gifts!

Nathan, I hope you are reading this….

Amazing Camera Bag via Jo Totes
All Seasons Shirtdress from Anthropologie
This Poster (hmmm I’ve only featured it like 3 times on my blog… time to invest?)
Glee Soundtrack (How many times can I watch this on hulu?)
That’s it! I really don’t know what to expect from my 17th month old… hopefully she gets me something good… (I kid).
It is such a joy being a mom. Violet said the words “turkey” and “milk” for the first time this morning. I am so proud of my little munchkin. She truly is the light of my life! 

April 27, 2010

Darling Buds of May

“Darling Buds of May” 8×10 Print. Find it here.

April 25, 2010

i got my hair did and blog layout update!

I did a home dye job. It doesn’t look all that bad. I had a traumatic experience recently at a salon where they refused to lighten my hair because they said I look like a “low maintenance woman” and blond hair requires upkeep……
So, I am throuroughly happy with the current state of my hair. YAY ME!
I do want to go lighter, as a part of my “List of 25 Things I Want to Accomplish Before I am 25”.
Oh, and in case you missed it, I have revamped my blog! New background and banner and links and a button for you to put on your own blog! Let me know if you use the button!

I also made a new banner for my Gingiber Etsy shop to fit in with my “re-branding”. I like it! It is more cohesive, and recently I have been feeling like simpler is better. What do you think?
I am spending my day with my family. Violet has become very territorial recently, only wanting to spend time with her momma. That’s just fine with me!
How are you spending your Sunday?


April 24, 2010

cosas minimas by blanca gomez

This is just a mini post. I wanted to share with you the completely inspiring illustrative work of Blanca Gomez! Check out more of it here.

Have a lovely rainy day!

April 23, 2010

finally found violet’s birthday pictures!

So I lost the cord to our old camera that contained all of Violet’s 1st Birthday Pictures. Fortunately, I found the cord tonight. So, please humor me in enjoying some moment’s from Violet’s first birthday party! 
*Also, it should be noted that my “thought bubble” was absolutely inspired by Rachel Denbow’s absolutely AWESOME chalkboard thought bubbles… mine was a really quick version made from cardboard and black paint*
Thanks for celebrating with me, even if it is 6 months late!

April 21, 2010

tuesday inspiration

Sometimes, all I want to do is look at pretty things. I want to surround myself with lovely pictures and art and furnishings… somehow it makes me feel alive inside…. does that sound crazy? Then call me crazy.
Here are some absolutely INSPIRING images to help you through your day!
sources: weheartit & livingetc
Have a great evening!


April 20, 2010

dog vomit on a monday night? you don’t say!

I was planning to put together a loverly post for your reading pleasure. Instead, we are gonna get to the nitty gritty of being a pet owner.
You see these two faces? Well, they almost died tonight…. HOW you ask? Well, Miss Violet has begun a new nurturing phase of her life. She puts blankets on her stuffed animals so that they feel cozy. She brings me a pillow if I am laying down. And, she feeds the dogs.
Did you know that raisins, even if eaten in small quantities, are TOXIC & DEADLY to dogs? I did not know either! Nathan and I sat and watched Violet sweetly feed both Wallace and Schroeder raisins one by one. We thought it was so precious. Nathan was enamored at our gentle, loving little girl.
Then, my sister called to see how my day was. I mentioned Violet, the dogs, and the raisins. She alerted me to the danger that raisins pose to pups. Even 4-5 raisins can cause a dog’s kidney’s to shut down.
My dogs ate about 30.
I panicked. Nathan read somewhere that giving dogs hydrogen peroxide can induce vomiting. So we spent a good solid hour forcing the gross liquid down our poor puppy’s throats.
I am happy to report that we did recover about 99% of the raisins.
I understand if you stop reading my blog due to the graphic nature of this post….. but please do come back!
I will have a much less disgusting post tomorrow, pinky promise!

Stacie, Wallace, and Schroeder.

April 18, 2010

strike a pose

We went to Branson this weekend. We went for a walk on the most beautiful day that I can remember in recent history. Violet tried to eat a dandelion…wouldn’t it be much easier if everyone just decided that dandelions were no long weeds, but super cool flowers? Yard work would be sooo much easier! Nathan and I went to dinner while my mom watched Miss Violet. Later, Violet went for a ride in a laundry basket (see picture above). The flowers were in bloom, my kiddo was healthy, and I think that we all were pretty happy!
How was your weekend?


Have a happy Sunday!