January 5, 2011

mon petit chou chou

I am not well versed in the language of French. I took 2 semesters of French in college, and was told that I spoke French with a German accent by my professor. Yikes. Yet there was one reason that I chose French as my foreign language requirement during my time at college: “Mon Petit Chou Chou.” It translates roughly to “My Little Cabbage”. And it is a term of endearment.

I learned this phrase when I was in the 1st grade while attending a small private school in Dallas. We were a refined bunch of children, learning the french words for “bread” & “potato”, all of the necessities to get by if by some chance we found ourselves overseas. Around Valentines Day, my teacher, Mrs. Antos, decided it would be great fun to assign each one of lovely little phrases to say to one another. I was given the phrase, “Mon Petit Chou Chou” and was ecstatic to call all of my friends cabbages!

I decided to commemorate this memory in the form of a new print in the Gingiber Shop, available in 2 colorways: Red and Green

So this Valentines Day, as you are sharing a single meatball and extra long piece of spaghetti with that special someone, stare deeply into their eyes and let your little cabbage know how much you love them.


January 3, 2011

the bathroom facelift: painted countertops

Hello! Lots has been done in the old bathroom! I painted the counter tops a light grey using an actual laminate paint. Let me tell you that paint is STINKY! We all slept on the other end of the house with the windows open so that the fumes could air out. But it was worth it. The counters look really good for a $20 can of paint!

I also filled the holes in the cabinet drawers where the old handles used to be. No luck yet finding new drawer pulls, but that can wait until the end. I cannot wait to take a paint brush to these dingy old cabinets and make them shine!

And yes, that is bead board where the old tile used to be! We had some left over from a previous project, so we slapped that board up with some liquid nails adhesive and some special panel nails. We have yet to paint it, so it is very very bright white at the moment. I will go over the bead board instillation in greater depth next week.

We also finished removing all of the tile from walls surrounding the toilet area. And my sweet Nathan spent hours over Christmas Break scraping away ever last bit of the 40 year old flooring.

(There are the remnants of the old flooring (the green speckles were decorative)

I don’t have a great picture of the before, but we discovered soon into demolition that there were a few layers of linoleum on the bathroom floor. Now we are down to the cement slab, but WOW it really smells so much better in this bathroom without the previous flooring.

So what do you think so far? It is rough right now, but just you wait! It will look faboosh when this is all said and done!


January 2, 2011

my party: violet

Remember my blog post about Violet’s 2nd Birthday Party back in November?

Well, it is a Violet Polooza over at Ohdeedoh this week! Violet’s 2nd Birthday Party was just featured on their blog.

Please check out her “My Party” feature and leave a comment if you please!

Thanks, Ohdeedoh!

Stacie & Violet

January 1, 2011

cake shakes for new years

Nathan and I were reminiscing about last year, and we fondly looked back at all of the delicious food we ate while visiting Austin, Texas for a friend’s wedding. One of our favorite snacks was a Cake Shake, so we decided to *attempt” to re-create the greatness!

We had no directions, just an instinct that you cannot go wrong with blending ice cream, chocolate cake, and milk together.

1. Bake a box cake mix for ease
2. Grab a big old hunk of chocolate cake and put it in a large cup
3. Add a scoop or 2 or vanilla ice cream
4. Top with a little bit of milk
5. Blend with hand mixer

Instant Cake Shake!


Is it just me, or does anyone else have great difficulty setting goals for a new year? I am inherently quite hard on myself, both personally and professionally. Thus, I hesitate to put goals down in stone, for fear that if I do not complete them, I will be ridden with personal guilt for not hitting the mark.

Perhaps if I were to make 1 single goal for 2011, it would be to not be so hard on myself. Give myself enough grace to make mistakes, and to not dwell on the past so much. I often let my shortcomings haunt me like ghosts.

Not surprisingly,  my feelings of personal guilt go hand in hand with my inability to control all aspects of my life. Yes, I said it, I am a total control freak. I wake up and have every minute of my day planned out. Sometimes I can’t roll with the punches. Like, say, if on my only day to myself over Christmas Break, I wake up with a fever and a throat infection. So instead of spray painting my daughter’s bed and working on the bathroom, I am lay in bed, thinking about all of the things that I had planned on accomplishing (as I am shivering with fever chills and a pounding headache).

If I could rewind back to that sick day, perhaps I would realize that my body was forcing me to slow down! I would try to sit still. I’ve heard that taking naps during the day is actually relaxing…. maybe I should have tried to take one? Who knows… but I think that my patterns are becoming unhealthy, and I need to break them, if not for me, than for my daughter, so that I can set a healthy example for Violet.

It is okay if my business does not grow as fast as I want it to, because I know that I am constantly working and trying to learn how to make better decisions. All you can do is your best, right?

It is okay that Nathan and I will need to wait to have more children until he completes his Ph.D. program, no matter how much I desire for my family to grow. I must remind myself that this family is not just me, but Nathan and Violet. What is best for Nathan is for him the room he needs to finish his degree with confidence. And let’s be honest, I ADORE the time I get to spend with Miss Violet as mother and child. I will blink and she will be 30! Yikes!

So here’s to a new year. 365 days of personal growth. Another day to wake up and strive to be a better version of myself.

I will allow myself to make mistakes. I will push myself to make more friends here in friendly old Arkansas (maybe?). I will cherish the present, but always hold the dream of my family’s future in my heart.

2010. My heart is humbly thankful for all that you brought my way.