April 6, 2011

Trust Your Instincts

Recently I have felt anything but focused. In fact, I have been sleeping most of my non-working hours and weekends away. Yet I still have not felt refreshed or energized! I’ve been lethargic, pale, and just plain dull! It has seeped into my blogging and my business. Something told me that a trip to the doctor was in order.

I don’t think that I have ever shared this on the blog before, but about 5 months after Violet was born I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (meaning my thyroid is way slow). Like most moms of newborns, I was tired ALL of the time. I just couldn’t keep it together, and I wasn’t loosing any pregnancy weight (which was totally discouraging). I finally went to the doctor where they did some blood work and lo and behold, my thyroid was slow! A simple daily dose of synthroid (literally a synthetic thyroid booster) has has made all of the difference. 

Hypothyroidism can vary in levels of severity (fortunately mine has never been too extreme). But I have been suffering from the following symptoms for at least the past 2 months:

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight
  • Coarse, dry hair
  • Dry, rough pale skin
  • Cold intolerance (you can’t tolerate cold temperatures like those around you)
  • Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Memory loss

I don’t know why I didn’t put 2 and 2 together, but of course my sleepy unfocused self was a result of my hypothyroidism being out of whack again. I will be starting a new higher dose of medicine this week, and honestly I am really excited to see if it helps! I am ready to be back in the game, focused, and recharged!

Do any of you suffer from a thyroid disorder? Or know someone who does? How do they handle it?

Hope you don’t mind my non-artsy, non-creative blog posts, but I like sharing about my life on my blog! 

Thanks for reading, friends,


April 4, 2011

Fill in the Blank

Hello! I thought I’d try blogging a little differently today, a la fill in the blank!

  • The best meal I had this weekend: was homemade burgers and homemade strawberry shortcake
  • Sometimes I wish: that macaroni and cheese where a part of the food pyramid (not even joking here, folks)
  • The most interesting thing that happened today was: that I shut my toe in a door and yelled a certain questionable word in front of my impressionable daughter!
  • My favorite person to share a cup of coffee with: is either my sweet sister or my little kumquat Jenna, who is currently in London!
  • I used to be a morning person: until I discovered that my daughter is also a morning person…..
  • My goal for the month of April: is to draw something just for me!
  • The best part of blogging is: the ability to be yourself and connect with people who like you just the way you are!

Feel free to fill in your own blanks in the comments section! Looking forward to a fabulously productive week!


April 3, 2011

Sold! (Almost)

Hello! Just a quick Saturday hello to tell you that we had some great news this week: Someone put an offer on our little Springfield house that has been on the market!

I don’t have to tell you how thankful we are for this! There are still a lot of things that have to happen before the house is officially out of our hands (successful home inspection, paperwork, etc) but come May we might be rid of this little house (and our second mortgage).

Thanks for all of your kind thoughts towards our home selling. Just trying to be patient until the deal is completely done! But this is a huge relief, especially with the housing market the way it is right now.


April 1, 2011

Customer Photo Project!

Recently I received an email from a happy customer, Melissa, who purchased one of my Gingiber Owl Calendars. She is using every month to document the growth of her ADORABLE daughter! When she sent me the pictures I asked her if I could share them with you!

Isn’t this little “Button” the sweetest little baby girl? (and I cannot lie that I love seeing her holding a Gingiber calendar)

Be sure to check out Melissa’s blog, My Bug and Button, so see more of her lovely photos!

Thanks again, Melissa!