September 16, 2011

Pregnancy Craving: Savory Soups

I Went to the doctor on Wednesday for a baby checkup. The good news? I am 30 weeks along and have only gained 18 lbs! This calls for a food celebration of sorts, don’t you agree?

I have never really been a gal who cooks soup. It has always intimidated me for some odd reason. But the weather has been cool and crisp in the 70’s this week, and all I want is a warm bowl of soup πŸ™‚

Check out these recipes to get your mouth watering found via Pinterest πŸ™‚

Mama’s hungry πŸ™‚ Which soup looks like a winner to you?

September 15, 2011

DIY Headboard

Hey friends! I wrote a guest post for the lovely Candace Todd of SparklePower! It is my handmade chalkboard headboard for Violet’s bed πŸ™‚

Thanks, Candace, for letting me share with your readers, and best of luck today as you have your baby!!!!

Happiness is Homemade

“Hello! Hello! How are you today?” This is a song that my Violet sings everyday. That girl loves to make up words to songs. And paint. and cook breakfast with her mommy. Do I have a little handmade maven waiting in the wings? Perhaps πŸ™‚
I love homemade. Children’s clothing made from vintage sheets. Quilts, like the darling yellow one that Nathan’s grandmother made for him when he was a baby. Baking and taking time to create a cake from scratch. I often feel like the investment of time that goes into creating a handmade gift is a gift in and of itself.
As I have been preparing for Lucy’s arrival, I have been trying as hard as I can to fill the girls’ room with items that I have made for her and Violet. Handmade pillows and curtains. A thrifty little headboard. Doodles and mobiles and handmade bedding. I hope that someday they realize that making things for people is how I show love.
And I love my girls so.

Tell me, do you love to give and receive homemade items?

September 14, 2011

The A to Z of Me

I’ve seen lots of these sweet little questionnaires on various blogs, so thought that I would share with you the A to Z of Me! Maybe you already know all of this about me?

A. Age: 25
B. Bed size: Queen
C. Chore that you hate: Ughh, yard work
D. Dogs: 2. Wallace (my snuggle bunny) and Schroeder (my pee machine)
E. Essential start to your day: French Press of half caf coffee
F. Favorite color: Recently it has been a golden shade of yellow
G. Gold or Silver: Silver. Especially around the holidays. Silver bells all the way
H. Height: 5’9
I. Instruments you play: I used to play the piano in Jazz Band, as well as the Clarinet. Those days are long behind me πŸ™‚
J. Job title: Administrative Support Supervisor by day, Creative Director of Gingiber, LLC by night
K. Kids: Did you know I have a daughter named Violet (not that I talk about her much here) and another girl on the way in November? I kid, I kid….
L. Live: Arkansas
M. Mother’s name: Pam
N. Nicknames: Lucy, Sweet Baboo, Babe
O. Overnight hospital stays: When the kid was born I stayed overnight in the hospital
P. Pet peeves: Chewing gum. It makes me ill to see it, smell it on someone, think about it, etc.
Q. Quote from a movie: I don’t know… something from Dumb and Dumber about our pets heads falling off?
R. Right or left handed: Right handed
S. Siblings: Yeppers! Older brother, Steven, and Older sister, Angie
U. Underwear: Huh? I do wear underwear. And I like it…..
V. Vegetable you hate: I am not really a hater of veggies. I am an equal opportunist when it comes to these types of things πŸ™‚
W. What makes you run late: My daughter wants me to hold her all morning, which means I never look put together and am usually 5 minutes late
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth and back Β 
Y. Yummy food that you make: I make really really good quiche
Z. Zoo animal: I think that my favorite zoo animal is a baby panda bear! Très cute!

You should blog about the A to Z of your life and link to it in the comments section below!


September 11, 2011

DIY Chalkboard Headboard

Hello! My name is Stacie, the artist behind Gingiber Nursery Decor and occasional blogger over at my blog,Β GingiberSnap. I’m pregnant with my second daughter, Lucy, so preparations have been underway to turn my oldest’s (Violet) room into a super fun shared space.

Violet has been upgraded to a big girl twin bed, and I have been searching for an affordable, vintagey feeling headboard with little luck πŸ™ That’s when I decided to DIY a super fun chalkboard headboard!

5 Wooden Yardsticks ($.69 each!)
Chalkboard Paint (I had some on hand)
Dozen 1/4 inch Nails (had on hand)
Piece of 48×39 Inch Plywood ($10)
Wood Stain ($5)

Here’s how I made it:

1. I went to my local hardware store and had them cut a piece of plywood to my dimensions, 48×39 inches (39 inches is the width of a twin bed)

2. Then I cut stained the yard sticks with Kona colored wood stain to make the yardsticks appear aged

3. I painted the plywood with 3 thin coats of green chalkboard paint and let it dry

4. After the yard sticks had dried, I cut down the yard sticks to size, put them in place, then nailed them onto the painted plywood

Finally, I placed the handmade chalkboard at the head of Violet’s bed. Add some chalk and Viola! Interactive Headboard! What almost 3 year old wouldn’t love this?

I love the way the yardsticks make the headboard feel a bit oldschool πŸ™‚ And all for under $25! Megascore!! And Violet has definitely taken to her new bed, which makes this momma happy!

Thanks, Candace, for letting me share this DIY with your readers πŸ™‚

Saturday Blur

Hello weekend! Our fun started Friday after work, when Nathan and I had friends over to our house for the 1st time (you know, aside from out of towners and family)! Pizza and cupcakes were the go to food, followed by an attempted episode watching of Mad Men while the kiddos tried to play nicely in the other room.

Today, Nathan let me sleep in (YAY) and I awoke to he and Violet cooking cinnamon toast together in the kitchen πŸ™‚ I spent most of the day working on a DIY headboard for Violet’s bed while Nathan went to band practice. There was also ample sampling of cupcakes between Violet and myself πŸ™‚ The kiddo and I colored, blew bubbles, and left the front door open so that this PERFECT pre-fall weather could invade our home!

Finally, we took V over to her grandparents house for some swimming and popcorn. Definitely a successful weekend thus far!

Oh, and I got a haircut! What do you think? Pardon my make-up free face in this photo!

How has your weekend been so far?

P.S. THANK YOU for all of the “Lucy” love from the last post!

September 8, 2011

L is For…..

L is for Lucy. The name of our daughter. Due in on November 25th.Β 
She is currently nestled in my tummy, listening to Stars through the headphones resting on my belly. And I am so in love with her already.
As a child, a family friend gave me the nickname “Lucy” from the Peanuts, because I was rather grouchy and loud πŸ™‚Β 
I have always loved the name, though. The day before Nathan and I found out the gender of this little one, I was walking around the University of Arkansas campus, hoping to come up with the perfect name if our child was a girl. The entire walkway of the UARK campus has the names of every graduate etched in the cement. I looked down, and there was the name “Lucy” jumping out at me. I immediately called Nathan and ran the name past him. He LOVED it!
Violet and Lucy. My girls. Amazingly, months after we had chosen the name, we had a bit of an ancestral discovery: my great great aunts (who were sisters) were named Violet and Lucy! I had no idea of this family link. Kinda cool and freaky all at once, eh? Destiny, I suppose πŸ™‚
This past weekend, My mother and I were antiquing, when I put my hand down on a table for support, and noticed that my hand was resting on this red aluminum “L”.Β  It was $4, and the perfect addition to the girls’ room.
Lucy Emmeline.
That’s my girl!

September 7, 2011

Business Basics: Holiday Prep

As a small business owner, the 1st few years are filled with a considerable amount of trial and error. Especially when it comes to the holidays and appropriate preparation. And, as I have learned, it is never too early to start thinking about the rush of holiday sales πŸ™‚

As Gingiber is now entering its 3rd season of holiday sales on Etsy, I thought that I would share with you 3 tips that I have learned and put into practice that have made me feel like I am working smarter, not harder πŸ™‚

First here’s a little recap of my first 2 years of selling:

2009- I was still creating the Gingiber brand. I still had not focused in completely on Nursery Decor, so my product offerings consisted of reindeer holiday cardsΒ (check out this old blog post about them!). I eagerly waited for the sales to come pouring into my shop, but by the end of the season, I had sold only 1 set of cards! Talk about a sad face πŸ™

2010- I realized I needed to have a few signature Gingiber Holiday items: a Calendar and a Handmade Stocking. Having had a dismal preceding holiday season, I cautiously printed 6 of my Gingiber Owl Calendars and sewed 4 Gingiber Reindeer Stockings. I remember telling Nathan how thrilled I would be if I could sell what I had on hand….. who would have known that by the following January, I would have sold 200+ calendars and 30 handmade stockings, plus a countless number of prints!

So what happened between year one and year two?

1. Better Product Photography
Product photography is not one of my strong suites. Let me show you a product photo from my 2009 holiday products (I am so ashamed! Poorly lit and a bad angle!):

The next year, I almost made the same mistake!

After seeing my product images, my smartypants hubby suggested I retake the photos outside in natural daylight. He was right! Within a day, product began to sell! And by golly, it never let up again until the following January!

Now I still have TONS to learn about product photography. But at least now my photos are slightly more attractive πŸ™‚

2. Stock Up on Shipping and Production Supplies in Bulk
I was so thrilled with Gingiber‘s holiday success! Yet I was constantly playing catch-up: Waiting to produce product until it was ordered. Paying extra on the shipping of paper and ink and packaging supplies to keep up with the demand. etc. If only I had simply dreamed bigger and ordered my supplies in bulk! I would have saved hundreds of dollars for rushed shipping on packaging and production supplies.

These are my favorite online suppliers for purchasing in bulk:

This year, I set a business goal of increasing my holiday sales by 40%. So I have already purchased enough paper, ink, print sleeves, backing board, bubble mailers, and business cards to help me reach that goal. Often the Unit Price is much less expensive the more you purchase. And, by only paying for shipping once, I am already saving some moolah! (Plus, a lot of these stores run great discount codes that can help with the bottom line).

And if I don’t sell as much as I had hoped, I am still stocked up on business essentials to help me through the rest of the year.

3. Start Holiday Production Early
Etsy sends out a “Holiday Boot Camp” e-mail to help stores get ready for the rush of holiday sales. And every single e-mail says the same thing: Start Early!

I have been working on designs for this holiday season for a few months, and even have a “Holiday Preview” section in my Etsy Shop already. My goal is to have all my my holiday items photographed and listed in my shop by the end of September. That way, product is available for the thousands of holiday guides that are being put together both online and in print magazines.

I also have been mass producing and prepackaging and putting away as much product as possible. My office looks like a factory right now! Since I am having a baby in November, my ability to produce product on the go will be greatly diminished. Hopefully (fingers crossed) by working ahead, I will be able to simply drop my product in an envelope and ship it! Great time saver πŸ™‚

Hopefully these tips will help you feel more prepared for your own holiday rush!

September 6, 2011


Hi everyone! I hope that everyone here had a fantastic 3 day weekend. I don’t know about the rest of the midwest, but in Arkansas, the weather was picture perfect πŸ™‚

Here’s what I did this weekend:
  • Took Violet for a Mommy/Daughter walk around the neighborhood
  • Baked Cupcakes with Nathan
  • Antiquing with my Mom
  • Drank my 1st Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season
  • Date with my handsome husband
  • Fantastic coffee date with my friend Amber Perrodin
  • Spent Monday in the back yard landscaping while Violet played and finger painted
  • Worked on Gingiber orders

The weekend was filled with hints of fall weather, laughter with friends, and thoughts of thankfulness. Blessed to have a mom who would drive up from Springfield and spend one of her only weekends off of work with me. Blessed to have a not only a partner in Nathan, but a best friend who is a constant source of encouragement end support. Blessed to have friends who think well of me, even when I don’t think so well of myself. Blessed to have a sister who is planning a baby shower for me, even though she lives a state away πŸ™‚

Tell me, what was the best part of your weekend?

September 2, 2011

Pregnancy Craving: Maple Anything

Maple has been on my mind. I have these vivid memories of a Maple Strussel Muffin that Starbucks served around 2006 to accompany their Maple Latte. The latte was a total dud, but by golly if I don’t dream about that slightly nutty, extremely buttery, cakey muffin wrapper of heaven on a weekly basis!

I went a-searching for a recipe similar to the aforementioned Starbucks Maple Muffin on Pinterest, and found myself in the midst of a Maple-palooza!

I find myself in awe of these photographs. How does one make food look so mouthwateringly decadent? Must look away from the screen…. I think I gained 5 pounds via food lust πŸ˜‰

(p.s. you can follow me on Pinterest, if you feel like it!)