November 13, 2011

Meet Lucy Emmeline

Meet Lucy Emmeline. Born on 11.11.11 at 6:19 PM. 6 pounds 6 ounces! We are so in love 🙂 Still at the hospital, so I will post her birth story soon.


November 10, 2011

Made: Diaper Changing Pad Cover

I have been searching for a lovely changing pad cover for Lucy. Alas, all I found at target were fluffy polka-dotted pastel pads. Not really my taste. Then, I decided I would grab some of the scrap fabric I had lying around my studio and just whip one up for her! I winged it and did not follow a tutorial, but rather used one of Violet’s old covers as a pattern.

After the fact, I remembered that Prudent Baby has an much simpler tutorial (which can be found here) for making a changing pad cover. And I am thinking of trying it out for the next 2 that I am making.

This fabric is rather bright and busy.With all of the other patterns I have going on in the room, I need to exercise some caution with anything else I bring into the room. But this was a great little afternoon project. Oh, and do you see the little diaper pale for Lucy’s cloth diapers? It is actually a $15 air tight dog food holder from Lowes! A girl at a local baby store recommended getting one if I was using cloth diapers.

Which I am still totally confused about but determined to try.

That will be a whole other blog post for sure.


November 9, 2011

38 Weeks Pregnant

I’ve made it to 38 weeks! It is so funny when your doctor and body convinces you that the baby will arrive early. I have had more painful contractions and misc. symptoms that delivery was imminent, yet here I am, still pregnant.

Don’t mind the no make-up face. I am actually sick with some illness that has been traveling around the office. I stayed home from work so that I could go get some medicine for that, as well as have my 38 week check-up. Today, the doctor said that she doesn’t think I will make it another week without having this baby! Crossing fingers and toes that she is right!

I am so excited to say that my maternity leave will begin on Monday! If baby stays put for a little while longer, I am definitely looking forward to a few days of recharging my batteries. If you follow me on twitter, my tweets have probably sounded a bit like a Debbie Downer. I have been having a lot of hormonally induced anxiety. I have not set limits in my life, and am beginning to feel burnt out. And this is no bueno when you are set to deliver a baby within 14 days!

December will be a hectic month. But, once the holidays settle down, I think that I will really enjoy the new rhythm of life with my family of 4.

Plus 2 dogs.

Thanks for still reading, friends,


November 8, 2011

La Petite Magazine Issue 6

Hi everyone! So in addition to running Gingiber, I am also privileged to serve as the Design Editor for La Petite Magazine, the most amazing online magazine dedicated to kids.

This is now my 3rd issue with La Petite, and I can honestly say it is the best yet! A big shout out to Rachelle, Jennifer Lee, Elly, and Melanie. What a fantastic team to be a part of.

I hope that you browse this issue and love it!


November 6, 2011

She is 3 Years Old

Yesterday my blonde hair, blue eyed little girl turned 3. It feels surreal. She is the loveliest, spunkiest, smartest little girl I know. And to imagine that 3 years ago I had just given birth to her makes my heart so full of love.

Last Saturday we had a family birthday party for Violet. Almost all of her grandparents were able to attend, and Violet was over the moon with happiness! Her only request? A purple birthday cake…

Nathan came up with the brilliant idea of making a Red Velvet cake and adding blue food coloring to the recipe to make the cake purple. It went over like gang busters! I wish that I had snapped a picture of the inside of the cake.

Here’s to you, miss Violet Clementine. We adore you. Your family loves you. And every day you surprise your father and I with your intelligence, affectionate heart, and your extremely vivacious personality. I am so proud of you, my daughter. You will be such an excellent big sister to Lucy.

Love, Mommy

November 2, 2011

After: Upholstery Project

The. Chair. Is. Finished.

In case you forgot, I purchased a lovely lined but poorly abused chair off of craigslist to upholster for the girl’s room. I chose a cheery lemon yellow fabric to stand out against the pale mint walls and chevron rug.

The chair is quite comfy, and Violet and I have already been reading books in it nightly 🙂 The hardest part of the project was the removal of the old fabric. But after my husband stepped in to assist in the removal of said fabric, the project went rather quickly! Love my staple gun and upholstery nails!

What do you think? A full nursery tour is literally days away 🙂 I am pumped to share with you every little special moment in the room.

November 1, 2011

She Was A Bumble Bee

This post is picture heavy. And word light. And pretty much for all of the grandparents to see Violet in her costume 🙂

My little bumble bee was so brave! She knocked on doors, held out her basket, and said “Trick or Treat”! Last year she was not really into it.

Love her, so so much.
