January 10, 2012


Hello friends! Today is my 26th birthday, and I am celebrating with little Lucy, waiting for the rest of the little family to get home.
I have had the most phenomenally blessed year of my life. And, I look forward to seeing what my 26th year has in store. I have a few personal goals for the year, and may write a proper “26 before 27” post later on this week is over. As I am now closer to 30 than 20, I want to focus on my sweet family. Now that I have 2 precious daughters, I want to become a less selfish mother. I tend to be a workaholic, and now that Violet is older, I need to find a way to put her needs before my own. Because that is what being a parent is all about, right?

This morning I was lying in bed, Lucy cradled in my arms, I was thinking of my own mother. All I wanted to do was call my mom and chat with her, because she always knows how to cheer me up and encourage me. She knows me so well. She is selfless and somehow knows how to make the small things in life magical. Every birthday growing up with her was magical because she made it that way. Breakfast in bed. A special handpicked present. Dinner with the family. Homemade cake.

It never occurred to me how much effort my mother put into making my sister and I feel so special and loved. Yet she made it seem effortless.

I want to be that kind of mother to my girls. Finding the sparkle in the mundane things of life. Celebrating special moments with creativity and love.

Funny how the older I get, the more I cherish my friendship with my own mom.

Here’s to turning 26, and growing with grace, striving to become more like my own mother.

January 9, 2012

January Home Project: Houndstooth Chair Upholstery

Hi. My name is Stacie. And I need to get my groove back. Case in point? I recently had to say goodbye to my beloved houndstooth coat do to an increase in, well, personal mass (dropping baby weight is no laughing matter, my friends!). Anywho, I handed down my coat to my older sister. Sigh, I am glad that it found a good home where it will be taken care of 🙂
But now I am definitely lacking some houndstooth in my life 🙁 The pattern is the epitome of classiness. And it would look so lovely on a nice arm chair, don’t you agree?
I have this old arm chair. Covered in nifty but dizzying Alexander Henry fabric. You know that’s good, but not classy. I need something classy (channeling Michael Scott from The Office), so a houndstooth upholstery job it will be!
What does this have to do with getting my groove back? Aside from needing some content for this little blog of mine, this has inspired me to tackle one home project a month. It could be small, like hanging some curtains or sewing a pillow cover, or BIG, like say, stripping down and painting a nice piece of furniture! The sky’s the limit!
Do you have any monthly goals for yourself creatively? Are you a home decorating junkie, like me? Always on the lookout for a way to jazz up your home?

January 5, 2012

Free Domestic Shipping Today Only at Gingiber

Dont miss out on a special 1 day offer! Free Domestic Shipping on all Gingiber Products! Use discount code “FREESHIPPING” during Checkout!
I really hope that you make your way to the good old Gingiber Shop and buy buy buy!

I Went Shopping (Around My House)

I have a corner of our dining room that has never really been functional. It is in between the kitchen table and kitchen, and usually ends up being a landing space for boxes, Violet’s larger toys, or extra chairs. So, I finally decided to go “shopping” from around the house and give this corner a makeover.

The first thing I did was grab this lounge beige chair from the living room. I love the chair, but it has always blended in to the beige carpet in the living room. Really, no one walks into a room and thinks, “You know what this room needs? More beige!” So I was happy to relocate the chair.
Next, I took this newish rug (originally purchased for the living room, but alas it was too small) and laid it down. The rug is a dark navy blue, but it looks mighty fine against the white bead board and black chalkboard walls! Go ahead, marvel at all of the messages written on the walls. Lately I have been considering repainting them, but I love having 3+ years of memories recorded! If you come visit our home, you get to draw on the walls 🙂

I have had this old chalkboard since college, and have had it in storage ever since Violet was a baby! Note it says “Welcome Home Clementine” as at one point that was going to be Violet’s name. (Golly I need to erase that). It balances the blank space next to the chair. The blue magazine rack is the perfect landing spot for my back issues of Martha.

And, I moved this Fairfield Porter print from the living room and hung it above the chair. Essentially, I was trying to create a more cohesive color palette throughout the kitchen/dining area. Black walls with hints of blues and greens. The print, accented by a blue throw pillow and navy rug work well together.

This is a cozy little nook, perfect for early morning coffee or late night reading. Ant the space is filled which I LOVE! Do you ever have the urge to redecorate? Do you ever pull things from other rooms instead of hitting the stores?
Now I get to work a little bit on adding some new pieces and artwork to the living room! So excited!

January 1, 2012

2011 Recap: Best Year EVER

I know that it is already 2012, but lo and behold I was fast asleep when the ball dropped last night. So here is a blog of thankfulness for 2011, arguably one of the very best and most fulfilling years of my young family’s life!
J A N U A R Y 

I turned 25 and made a list of goals for the year. The truth is that I have a lot still to finish, and my birthday is 10 days away! Yikers.

My new niece Charis was born! She is such sweet girl, is a the perfect addition to my sister’s family.

Gingiber was named the #1 etsy shop for nursery decor by Babble.com! Such an honor and motivator for growing my business 🙂
In April we announced that we were expecting another little Bloomfield!
In May we closed on our little house in Springfield, MO! We were so blessed to sell it given the housing market. Definitely a big amazing highlight 🙂
We found out that we were having another girl!
My owlphabet print was in DIY Magazine! Granted it is in the background of the picture, but still it counts!
I added my line of animal pillows to the Gingiber shop in August! 
The month of September was filled with lots of decorating the girls’ shared room! I made this headboard for Violet and she loved it!
I hit 500 Etsy sales in October!
Miss Lucy Emmeline Bloomfield was born on November 11th, 2011 (11.11.11)! Great birthday, right? We so did not plan it 🙂 
I was honored to be named the Etsy Featured Seller on Decembr 5th! Definitely a big step for my business and a dream come true!
So there you have it. 2011. Amazing. Fulfilling. A year of growing. Letting go of the old, and making way for new goals and dreams.
Perhaps 2012 will be even better? Be still my heart!