March 30, 2012

They Have Arrived! Safari Decals and Prints

Okay folks! I know I said I would wait until April 1st, but seeing as how April 1st is on a Sunday, I thought I would go ahead and release the safari line of prints and wall decals TODAY!

I must say that I love this line of decals. Like seriously. I go to sleep thinking about them. I wake up, look at them, and smile. Twittered might be the appropriate word to describe my love for the Safari Decals.

You can purchase the decals as a set of 4, or individually. I hope that you love them!


March 25, 2012


Hi. Just thought I would pop in. I’ve finished the decals and just need to shoot their product photos. This makes me happy.

In other parts of my life, the well still feels like it is running dry. I tend to have a slightly depressive soul, I guess you could say. I think it is the artist in me that struggles in vein with being either fully engaged in creating something, or stopped dead in my tracks when the inspiration feels lost.

Yet I’ve been trying to create some healthier habits in my life the past 2 weeks. I’ve watched much less television. I’ve been reading a bit before I go to bed (and if you know me personally then you know that I really don’t find reading enjoyable….. weirdo I know). I’ve been going on walks with my kids, playing outside with them, and wishing we were outside when it is raining.

One of my biggest struggles is parenting Violet. She is without a doubt the most strong willed child anyone in my family has met. She is an utter joy when she is happy. And the most difficult child I have ever encountered when she is out of sorts. And her mood changes so frequently. I’ve been reading books on strong willed children. Trying to become better equipped to be her parent.

Of course I still feel lost. V is the best big sister. Adores little Lucy. Violet is smart and charming when she wants to be. But golly she can stick her heels in the mud.

She is a lot like me in that way.

Aside from parenting, good things are happening. Nathan was offered a full time job at the local university as a “guest lecturer” once he graduates in August. We will then be on the job hunt during the next year for a full professorship elsewhere. But this job is the biggest blessing, both financially and professionally.

Also, Nathan and I may be traveling to NYC in April! Quick trip. It looks like I might be going to see the Martha Stewart Show 🙂 And regardless of that, Nathan and I really wanted to take a little trip to celebrate his job and all of the small successes in our lives.

Oh, and on a side note. I got a really really bad haircut this week. Never go to the beauty school to save a few bucks on a haircut. I hope that ponytails stay in fashion for a while, because that is how my hair will be for a while 🙂

So that is my life right now.

How have you been?

March 15, 2012

Giraffe and Decals

I listened to you all and made a little giraffe fella to go along with the safari line of illustrations! I will be releasing them in April, along with….

I am uber excited about these wall decals. If you follow me on facebook or on twitter then you saw the sneak peeks I have been posting.
I will be offering the decals as individual animals or as a set! Still trying to decide on the right size of each animal though….. what do you think? Really really big (like 2 feet tall) or smaller?
Enough picking your brains for today! I feel energized creatively like I haven’t felt in months. 
Thanks for sticking around,

March 1, 2012

New Work is Coming

Hi friends! I started drawing again. It had been a LONG time, what with the holiday madness and then a general lack of inspiration. But, now I feel like I have found a good direction for my Spring/Summer illustrations: a Gingiber Safari.

Just wanted to show you the 1st 2 illos.

Do you like them? What other animals would you like to see? Other types of products?
