February 23, 2010

two giveaways, so little time

I want to say a special hello to those who are new here stopping by from “Smile and Wave“. 
Here’s a chance to enter not one, but two GingiberSnap giveaways! Here’s how:
1. Rachel at “Smile and Wave” has generously allowed me to offer a giveaway on her blog. Check out her blog to enter.
2. I am also offering a giveaway HERE at “GingiberSnap” to coincide with the “Smile and Wave” giveaway.

*************Here’s How to Enter*****************
Just leave a comment below telling me your favorite thing to do in the Springtime is, and we can all wishfully wait for the winter weather to be done together!
The winner will receive a print of their choice from my Gingiber Etsy shop. Comments will be closed Feb. 25th and a winner announced Feb. 26th!
Have a super day, and again, thanks soooo much for visiting!


18 responses to “two giveaways, so little time”

  1. Meg says:

    My favourite thing to do in spring is to fill everything with colours. I know it’s not spring yet but I’ve already painted my fingernails in the rainbow colours and it really works and makes me more optimistic! 🙂

  2. Valorie says:

    My favorite thing to do in the spring are spur-of -the-moment picnics in the park! I miss the green grass right about now!

  3. Lizzi says:

    I love picnics! So fun!

  4. mmmbrody says:

    I found your site through ‘smile and wave’ and I’m really appreciating your art!
    As for springtime…
    I absolutely love walking in the rain… sometimes with and sometimes without an umbrella… oh! eating ice cream in the rain. that’s even more perfect. here’s to warmer weather!

  5. bsmithhill says:

    Oooh…my favorite thing to do is sit on our deck in my backyard with my husband and dogs and watch our garden grow 🙂 With an adult beverage in hand!

  6. Dominika says:

    Spring…my favorite thing would have to be sitting in the hot tub once the kids are in bed, enjoying the evening spring air, chatting with the hubby, and just relaxing! Favorite thing to do with the kids? Going to the park and swinging on the swings. I’m still a kid at heart!

  7. Jackie says:

    My favorite thing to do in the spring is go for long walks in the local parks. Sometimes I just love to sit and soak up the sunshine. Anything to get back outside after the long winter!

  8. Curlywiggles says:

    i love your ‘ditto’ print the post. Just being able to wear my flip-flops again in the spring is the best!

  9. Rubie says:

    Cute blog!! I found you on Smile and Wave! I totally love opening the windows and allowing the cool breezes flow in! I plan to start a small herb garden with my little girls, so they can learn to appreciate nature!

    diamondlady21 at gmail dot com

  10. I love camping in the mountains. There is still usually snow on the ground and on the caps. But the sun can be so bright and warm and beautiful!

    I have loved these prints since I first saw them!


  11. Tracy Adams says:

    My favorite thing to do in the spring is to go to a park and read in a fun floral dress and take lots of fun pictures. There’s a park in Berkley that has a merry-go-round and it makes for a perfect day!

    Love the prints!!!!

  12. dyylannn says:

    i live in arizona and spring time is perefect
    cause i cant stand the cold and the summer gets too hot! i love getting to wear flowy dresses and be cute and put all those bulky clothes back into retirement

  13. Anonymous says:

    i love to tan in the spring
    very girly but im pasty!

  14. Katie Hansen says:

    I love jumping on trampolines in the Spring time!


  15. Brenda says:

    Spring…..Running in the parks, playing with the kids..all the pretty flowers…getting out the new camera..so many inspirations to kick my creativity in gear….spring break at my sisters with all the cousins…no more dreary days….just to name a few….can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Ashleigh says:

    Oooo, my favorite thing about spring would be my birthday, spring time showers, big fluffy clouds, dewy mornings, and fresh flowers. But my most favorite thing would have to be the way it smells outside after it rains. So fresh, I love it.

  17. Bridget says:

    My favorite thing about spring is being able to sit outside in the mornings with my bare feet in the growing grass and listening to the morning sounds while I drink my coffee. There is nothing else like it!

  18. michabella says:

    Cute blog! Came over from Smile & Wave! Anyways… my favorite thing to do in the springtime is pretty much anything and everything outside. I live in Florida so the beach is a given! But i love riding with the windows down, music blaring. I love to go walk Downtown Orlando, there is always something going on, swans in the lake, gorgeous weather, cute puppies….& spring colors! These are my favorite things 🙂

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