March 31, 2010

if momma ain’t happy, then nobody’s happy (lunchbreak blog)

Alright, I am gonna take off my “happy blogger” hat for a brief moment and introduce you to “steam coming out of my ears frustrated momma blogger”.
Hi, nice to meet you.
So hear is my current conundrum:
Violet has been constantly sick since November. We were told that it was just chronic ear infections. Every other week, I would take Violet to the doctor with another ear infection. The doctor in turn would write me a prescription for yet another different antibiotic and send me on my way. Around December I asked my pediatrician if Violet should get tubes in her ears (this was ear infection number 5, just so you know).
Instead, Violet was prescribed more antibiotics.
In January, I noticed Violet had a rash that would not go away. I called the doctor because I was certain she was having a dairy allergy (I had just introduced milk into her diet). The doctor said that people like to assume that rashes are allergies… but that Violet most likely had another ear infection and dry skin.
More antibiotics.
February rolls around and Violet is sick with ear infection number 10! Finally, after Violet had grown intolerant to antibiotics, the doctor scheduled surgery for ear tubes. At this point, I was looking forward to some relief! No more sick baby in a matter of days! I could not even imagine what my life would be like with a happy baby.
So we have the tubes put in Violet’s ears. And, Violet is still sick. It has now been 3 weeks since the tubes were placed in Violet’s precious eardrums. We have taken her in for weekly ear draining. We have been prescribed so many antibiotics that Violet developed Thrush!!!
The doctor finally cultured the gross stuff coming out of Violet’s ears to see what the heck is going on with my little girl.
The conclusion? Oh, well Violet just has a milk allergy that has been causing all of the congestion in her ears.
Well, who was that person that politely suggested that Violet might have a milk allergy, oh, say, 3 months ago…… oh right…. THAT WAS ME!!!!
I suppose it would have been easier for me to have given the doctor my bank account information and told them just to withdrawal money freely, because just about every check I have written in the past 6 months has been to them. Hundreds upon hundreds of dollars spent has now resulted in a simple diagnosis of a milk allergy. 
So, mothers out there reading this, tell me……. has this ever happened to you? What do I feed my sweet baby girl now? The doctor gave me absolutely no direction from hear. They just sent us on our way without a list of suggested foods or anything!
Alright friends, now that I have that off of my chest, please note that usually my blog is just so darn cute and happy that this is simply an anomaly… so do come again!
Thanks for lending a listening ear. Typing was theraputic. Oh, and I do appreciate all of the hard working doctors in the world.. I have simply had a bad experience.

-Stacie (now these are some good doctors)

March 30, 2010

apartment therapy and springtime love

So one of my favorite blogs, Apartment Therapy, has featured my “Painted Rug D.I.Y“! People are leaving such lovely comments. Thank you so much if you are stopping by for a visit from Apartment Therapy!

Please, feel free to also check out my Gingiber Etsy Shop, where I am featuring free U.S. Shipping until Sunday, April 4th! 

And now for some pretty springtime eyecandy!
Have the most amazing Spring Day E-V-E-R!!!

happy 100th post! free U.S. shipping at the gingiber store

I cannot believe it! this is my 100th Post! Let’s celebrate by me naming 100 things that I love……
I would NEVER make you read all of that nonsense, because I really love strange things like broccoli and old lady shows like “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman”.
But, I do have a lot to be happy about! This has been the best month I have EVER had at my Gingiber Etsy Shop! I have not even hit 20 sales, but I am really pumped about building some momentum.
Sooooo I am offering free U.S. shipping on all purchases at my Gingiber Etsy Shop NOW until Sunday, April 4th 2010! 
So Please, if you have ever wanted to purchase some of my prints, take a look at this happy deal!
Alright, have a wonderful Monday Night!

March 27, 2010

d.i.y. striped rug

So I have had quite the undertaking with my home here in Arkansas. We have had 3 separate floods within 1 year that resulted in all of our carpet being removed due to water damage. Well, we finally got real carpet installed in our home! However, my tan couch on top of my tan carpet left me needing something to balance the room, both spatially and in terms of color. Also, I tend to love my floral prints (see couch for proof). So, I decided to reuse two old rugs that used to lay on our cement slab floors and give them a makeover! Brown vertical stripes really grounded my couch, and I am really glad I did it. And, it only required some masking tape and a can of spray paint!
Here’s how I did it:
 1. Tape off the entire length of the rug with tape. I stuck with a simple striped pattern, but I would love to try this with a stencil from Stencil1.
 2. Next, Take the rug outside on a sunny day and spray paint away! Be sure not to over saturate the fabric, because this could cause the paint to run. Be sure to use flat paint.
3. Let the paint dray for at least an hour before removing the tape.
4. Carefully remove the tape to reveal your new painted rug!
Just so you know, The rug looks great, and I really cannot tell that I used spray paint for the pattern, because it feels really natural to the touch. I think the key is to not over saturate the rug.
I know that there are a lot of D.I.Y.’s out there, but just know that some projects are as simple as getting an idea in your head and going for it. This is one of those D.I.Y.’s, and I hope that it inspires you to take a few hours during a lovely day and accomplish something great!

March 26, 2010

mr. blue sky

Today is so beautiful. Bright yellow sun. Beautiful blue sky. I have the day off from my office job, but really who actually takes a day off when you are a mother? Here are some beautiful sunny skies to keep your day bright and happy!
Oh, and hello to everyone visiting from Danielle’s blog “Thompson Family-Life“! Check out my give-away on her blog here:

And, of course, here is one of the happiest songs, “Mr. Blue Sky” by ELO. My husband and I played it at our wedding. Such a great song!

Image sources: “We Heart It
Have a great day!


March 25, 2010

are you ready for the best cake recipe ever?


 So I have a favorite cake recipe, and I have decided to share it with you today. I know, it is spring time. Everyone is looking to eat healthier, exercise, loose weight (myself included), but today I woke up thinking about my most favorite Caramel Cake. I got the recipe originally from Martha Stewart Living. You can view the original link here:

This cake is the sweetest, most delicious cake. My husband has made it for my birthday for the past 3 years. Trust me, even if you don’t like caramel, YOU HAVE TO TRY IT!


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray two 8-inch round cake pans with cooking spray, line each with a parchment paper round, and spray again. Set pans aside.
  2. Beat butter in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Gradually add 1 cup sugar and continue to beat until mixture is light and fluffy. Beat in syrup.
  3. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix flour mixture into butter mixture, alternating with milk, beginning and ending with flour mixture.
  4. Beat eggs until foamy in another bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Add remaining 1/4 cup sugar and continue beating until thickened, about 5 minutes. Stir into cake batter until well combined.
  5. Divide cake batter evenly between prepared pans. Bake until cakes spring back when gently touched in the center, about 25 minutes. If cakes do not spring back, return to oven and continue cooking about 10 minutes more.
  6. Cool cake in pans for 10 minutes. Invert cakes onto a wire rack and remove parchment paper round. Let cakes cool to room temperature before frosting.
  7. Place four strips of parchment paper around perimeter of a serving plate or lazy susan. Place the first layer on the cake plate. Spread the top of the first layer with frosting. Top with the remaining layer, bottom-side up. Spread entire cake with frosting; remove parchment paper strips. Serve cake drizzled with any remaining caramel syrup.

I hope that you bookmark this link and try it at least once. I was planning on posting a cute DIY today, but due to the rain, it might have to weight until this weekend…

Until Next Time!

March 23, 2010


Arkansas has an enormously beautiful snowfall this weekend. My sweet violet has been slightly under the weather, so we brought the snow to her. At first she did not know what to make of it. But soon she was pretty happy!
Is it just me, or is my baby a cutie?
Thanks so much for those of you who left sweet comments and wrote me personal e-mails with bits of encouragement over the weekend. I have been slightly down in the dumps, but you truly brightened my day. 
Oh, and you all should definitely check out the blog and etsy shop of one of my new favorite fabric designers, Melissa Bombardiere. I recently ordered some fabric of hers for Violet’s room. She screen prints her own fabric (something that I have been dying to do myself). Here are some of my favorite images from her beautiful etsy and blog:

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my fabric!
Have a beautiful spring day!

March 21, 2010

getting to know me

So some people (including myself) used to think that it was lame to fill out a survey about yourself and post it….

today you shall learn silly things about me. Enjoy!

1. Where is your cell phone: 
On my desk…. I am awkward at talking on the phone…

2. Your hair:

It is an utter disaster! I went to get my hair cut and colored. The stylist (I use that term loosely) refused to color it the way I wanted it). Now I have a “mom” haircut….

3. Your mother:
Works so hard to make a better life for herself. And she loves my daughter so much!

4. Your father:
Pretty funny fellow. Member of club “Beefy Boy” (note: you would have to be a family member to understand that reference).

5. Your favorite food:

Recently all I want is coconut shrimp from Red Lobster.

6. Your dream from last night:
I did not have any dreams..but my hubby dreamed that it was illegal to have pets… 

7. Your favorite drink:

Tall with whipped cream and extra caramel drizzle caramel macchiato.

8. Your dream/goal:
To make a living drawing and illustrating. Oh, and to live overseas at some point in my life!
9. What room are you in:

Um my husband’s office. Sorry, no pictures of my home….

10. What is your hobby:

(I wish this was my sewing machine!)

I draw, pretend to sew, cook on occasion. 

11. What is your fear:
That I will not invest my money wisely and end up broke…

12. Where were you last night:

 Sitting at home watching “Gilmore Girls” in DVD. Lauren Graham is a goddess, and I am convinced that if we ever me we would be best friends….

13. Something you are not:

I cannot tell a lie! Seriously, I get all weird-faced and fidgety if I try to fib.

14. Muffins:

Favorite muffins are from the MudHouse in Springfield, MO. “Death by Chocolate” is really a dessert disguised as a breakfast item!

15. Wish list items:

*Remodeled bathroom 
*Loose 15 pounds
*A new wardrobe for my -15 pound body.

16. Where did you grow up:

Springfield, Mo (and I miss it a great deal).

17. Last thing you did:

Reading “Making it Lovely”

18. What are you wearing:
Striped cardigan, green shirt, jeans, and blue plaid flats.
19. Your TV:

Is new and only gets 5 channels. I am not paying for cable.

20. Your pets:
 Wallace and Schroeder! 
21. Your friends:

Are few and far between. But I love them so much! 

22. Your life:

Is better than I make it out to be in my head.

23. Your mood:

Sad. Waiting for my Mac Book to come home to me…

24. Missing someone:

Hmmm… I miss all of my friends! Especially Jenna and Laura!

25. Vehicle:

Honda Pilot

26. Something you’re not wearing:


27. Your favorite store:

Anthropologie (I wish I could afford it!)

28. Your favorite color:
(photo credit: Jenna Garrett)

I used to be all about green. Green everything!

29. When’s the last time you laughed:

It has been too long. Someone tell me a knock knock joke!

30. When’s the last time you cried:

When I got my hair cut on Thursday….

31. Your best friend:

My husband. He’s really nice and can handle is silly woman.

32. One place you go over and over:

To the bathroom… kidding… unless you know me…

33. One person who emails me regularly:

Jenna. We try to cheer each other up with our silly e-mails.

34. Favorite place to eat:

I think I need to find a place that I like in Arkansas. The only restaurant that comes to mind is in Springfield “Nonna’s”

35. Where do you want to be in 6 years:

I want to live somewhere like Germany or Austin or anywhere that is not Arkansas (I know that was all over the place). I want to be working from home drawing and taking care of my kiddos (I do plan to have at least one more within the next 6 years). I want to be healthy and see my husband succeed as an amazing Math Professor.

Wow. If you read that whole thing, I commend you.

(images not credited are from weheartit)


March 20, 2010

when i grow up……

I want my home to look more elegant, but still have some quirk in the mix. Here are some of my favorite decorating images as of late:
I love the low fireplace and the pops of plum
I adore this wall of inspiration. When I try this at home, it never looks quite as elegant… I think that the large windows and lovely lighting fixture are what make this work
Such a great way to display jewelry…
I am digging the crisp monogram next to the vintage posters
Blue! and Pink! I love it!
The throw on this couch is to die for!!!!!
The only thing I truly love about this room is the rug….. (I am salivating right now…. don’t worry, everyone does it….)
WINDOWS!!!!! I currently live in a windowless world
I might need frosted glass on this shower, but everything else works so perfectly together
images: ElleDecor and LivingEtc
I hope that this happy post brightens your cold Saturday!

March 19, 2010

this balancing act

Lunch break= blog time!
So my beloved mac book pro is sick. I had to take it to a mac specialist here in Arkansas. I really hope that they can fix it, because not all of my art and photos are backed up. I am beyond sad……..
I find that without my laptop, I feel even more isolated than usual. I have shared on here about how I really have not found a place where I belong in Arkansas. Furthermore, it has been so long since I have had to try to build new relationships, I do not know where to start. I have contemplated the possibility of making “blogging” friends, but how do I do that without coming across as needy? I read the blogs of many amazing and talented people. How do people distinguish between friendship and, well…. almost being a creepy online stalker? Am I making any sense? Most likely not.
Forgive my ramblings. I finally have access to a computer and am just putting it all out there.
Sometimes, I realize I am so inward. I like to work. I like to draw and keep creating. I feel like if I work at it hard enough, people will like my stuff and buy it. Then I can really call myself an artist. 
it is hard to stay motivated.
Then, there is the whole working full time outside of the home while being a mommy and a wife. I do not want to be the person who puts their family on the back burner. I read this article that was mentioned on OhDeedOh recently about blogging mommas called Honey, Don’t Bother Mommy. I’m Too Busy Building My Brand.”. God help me if I become this person.
Sorry for all of the garble. The last thing my 50 followers want to read about is my silly emotions! (Thats right, I officially have 50 blogger followers).
In summary, I need to:
1. Get a life
2. Make new friends
3. Have my mac book pro returned to me ASAP so that I can get back to business
4. Focus on my family
Thanks for reading. 
Tomorrow will be a much happier post, I guarantee it!
