April 17, 2010

Amy Blackwell Artist Interview!

Hello! It is my privilege to introduce you to one of my favorite artists and fellow doodler, Amy Blackwell. I first discovered Amy around the holidays via a decor8 “Take Five Tuesday”. Boy am I glad that I found her!


Amy’s work embodies all of the things that I love: an identifiable personal style, rich, crisp color schemes, and a quirky narrative (who doesn’t love shifty eyed badgers and animals who wear top hats?)

As an added plus, the prints of her illustrations (found here at her  “blackoutwell” etsy shop) are very reasonably priced! Some of her lovely prints will be used during Violet’s room redecoration!

Amy was so kind as to participate in an artist interview for my little blog! 

Artsy Questions:

Tell me a bit about your background with doodling. How did you get started? 

I think it was as simple as picking up a pen. I took a big chunk of time off making anything art related after my degree and then one day it felt like the right time to start a new project, so I went out and purchased a sketchbook and some lovely muji pens. It’s always nice to have an excuse to go nuts in the muji stationary section… so many colours… so shiny…

Do you doodle full time or is it a side job?

Doodling is something I do on the side. By day I doodle and by night I show films in a Cinema. And when I’m not doodling or showing films or both then I’m probably sat drinking a cup of tea talking nonsense at someone. That pretty much sums up my average day. 

 Describe your workspace.
Currently my workspace is a printer, a box of envelopes (varying in size), some card making materials, pens, big colourful sticky tape, paper, an empty stapler and some digital scales all neatly piled up in the living room waiting for me to either trip over them or put them to good use. Sometimes both. I’m in-between work spaces at the minute so my stuff it slowly taking over the living room – this will change though VERY soon. I hope. Fingers crossed.

Amy’s Current Workspace

Where do you get your inspiration for your art?

From all over the place. I don’t think there’s a set place I find it. I like to listen to stories and plays on the radio while I work. It helps me focus and inspires me because while I’m drawing my mind gets filled with pictures performing what I’m listening to. They might not be relevant to what I’m trying to doodle but sometimes you need completely unrelated visuals to provoke new ideas or thought patterns. And sometimes you just need to hear a good ‘Whodunnit’. That would certainly explain why a lot of my animals look shifty or cunning.

Who are your favorite artists?

To name a few: Oliver Jeffers, Caitlin Shearer, Camilla Engman, Lizzy Stewart… I could go on and on and on… these 4 are probably my current obsessions.

What do you find to be the most difficult aspect of being an independent artist?

Keeping the momentum going. Sometimes it can feel like a chore and you feel like you should be creating new things constantly, which just isn’t realistic. I’m a bit fickle so I get really enthusiastic about projects and then change my mind over the next few days. It’s really hard to develop ideas when you don’t get the ball rolling in the first place.

Now for some random fun questions!

Where are you from?

I’m originally from Derby. I moved to Nottingham when I was 19 for educational purposes and I’ve been here ever since. I still go back to Derby though, I like Derby. But Nottingham is where I live work and play pretty much.

What is your favorite movie?

I used to say Braveheart just to see the look of disgust on peoples faces and watch them think twice about talking to me. I do really enjoy that film – I understand historically it’s flawed and it’s super sappy, but c’mon the music’s great! In truth I have many favourite films and working in a cinema means they always swap and change. I love Koyaanisqatsi. I think I first saw it when I was 2 – my folks used to put it on and I’d just be glued to the TV screen. Two hours later they would rewind it and start again. Amazing music, amazing visuals. That’s probably always going to be my number one film but I’ll give you a recent top 5 for luck (in no specific order); Unmade Beds, A Serious Man, The Beat That My Heart Skipped, I’m a Cyborg, Hackers. 

What kind of music do you listen to?

I listen to all sorts. My roots are in rock but recently I’m enjoying more bleepy electro stuff. I like a lot of classical too especially miserable film scores. I collect those. A lot of the ‘new’ music I’ve recently purchased was discovered on adverts, trailers and soundtracks. That says I probably need to go out and play more.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

One thing that annoys me most is when you’re comfortably walking along listening to a great song on your headphones and then you accidentally catch the cable and yank the headphones out of your ears/off your head. That makes me very very very grumpy – I can’t explain why it makes me so grumpy. Just thinking about it makes me grumpy… ah! Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

What advice do you have for fellow doodlers?

Keep on doodling! and treat yourself to a gingerbread latte once in a while. It’s nice to have a bit of that Christmas feel scattered throughout the year, sigh I love gingerbread…

 Miss Amy Blackwell
There you have it! I hope that everyone takes a moment to browse Amy’s etsy and personal website amyblackwell.co.uk!

Thanks so much, Amy, for being such an inspiring artist! 


mini vacation

So the little family and I are on a mini vacation! 
Upon arrival to our destination, we discovered that our reservations had been LOST! we were then placed in a itty bitty room that upon arrival was decorated for Mr. and Mrs. Ackerfield’s Wedding Anniversary…. we are not Mr. and Mrs. Ackerfield…..
I am not gonna lie, I had a mini breakdown. You see, every time we go out of town on a “vacation” our reservations are lost. But that is a story for another blog post.
Now we are FINALLY in a nice room, waiting for room service…. life is good.
Have a great weekend! Be sure to check back here bright and early for my awesome interview with Miss Amy Blackwell of the awesome etsy shop “blackoutwell”.

Nighty Night!

April 15, 2010

what what? two prints in one week?

Alrighty, folks.

I set out to make something else entirely, but came up with this (I would say) witty print! Do you agree?

Ah, the battle cry of the eternal hermit. Yes, everyone knows that the polite thing to say to a friend who is far away is, “I wish you were here”. But let’s get real: A good majority of us like our alone time.

If what I have described sounds all too familiar, then perhaps this lovey print is for you!

The image size is approximately 8X10 with a small white border on archival paper. 

Alright, folks, I’ve got some pretty fun posts planned for the near future: An interview with this lovely artist behind “blackoutwell”
Amy Blackwell
And an idea board involving the redecorating of Miss Violet’s bedroom, involving this pretty fabric:
Have a good evening!

flowers and kites

Springtime Pink Flowers
Happy Wednesday! I snapped this lovely photo of a gorgeous pink flowering tree this afternoon whilst at my local post office. So pretty! I wish I know what kind of tree it was! Anyways, today is such a beautiful, perfect, springtime day!
I wore my new dress today. It is a little snug (darn curves). I did not take a picture of myself. In case you have not noticed, I do not post a ton of photos of myself on my blog… Maybe in the future though!
Thank you all for reading so faithfully. You are the best. You brighten my day! 

Here are some kite themed pictures to brighten your day!

April 13, 2010

la la la latte

La La La Latte
Alright… it is time that I came clean you all…. I used to work for Starbucks. This is the first time that I think that I have actually mentioned them by name, partially out of professional courtesy, and partially because I did not want some of my blogging friends to realize that I made their lattes for many years without them even knowing who I was!
Anyways, in the spirit of my old employer, I have made a coffee inspired print. I hope that you like it!
“La La La Lattee” is a 10×10 archival print of one of my original illustrations. It is available here in my Gingiber Etsy Shop!
Hope you like it!


April 12, 2010

i’ve been interviewed, check it out!

I wanted to drop a quick note to say that Hannah from B’s Wig Shoppe interviewed me for her blog! The interview is up today! Take a look here! She has a lovely blog, and is just full of creativity! Be sure to make it a part of your daily read!

the owls are here

shop update complete!

Olive the Owl. Purchase her here at my Gingiber Etsy Shop!
Regina the Red Striped Owl. Purchase this cutie here.
Greyson the Gray Owl. You can learn more about him here at my etsy shop.
So you remember a few months ago when I posted about my ugly fireplace? Well, I have taken the first steps towards making this eyesore into a beauty! Pictures to come….
I hope that everyone had the loveliest Sunday. Violet is still under the weather, so I am not sure if I will be going to work tomorrow. We will see!

April 10, 2010

etsy sneak peak

Alright. I decided to expand on my little owls. This trio will be ON SALE TOMORROW in my gingiber etsy shop! Please do check them out! I am kinda partial to them….. if the don’t sell I guess Violet will have some new little buddies to play with!

Violet is sick…. yet again. Keep the little one in your thoughts.
Thanks for all of the sweet comments recently! You have brightened my day!

Oh, and did you know that I have a twitter? The link is in my right hand column, but you can also just click here to follow me!

Alright, see you tomorrow for the mini shop update!


April 9, 2010

pretty pretty dress

So I finally gave in and bought a new dress. This one is from ModCloth. I have never purchased from them before, and I hope that I am not disappointed! It should arrive sometime next week! Now I am going to do some dream shopping for accessories!

I really never wear jewelry. My last job did not allow it (poor little barista). But now I might dabble in accessorizing. Where are your favorite jewelry sources?

Oh, and the hubster and I are officially exercising……. starting Monday. I am buying a gym membership, and have changed Violet’s daycare schedule to accommodate our new habit…. wish me luck!


April 8, 2010

goodnight, sleep tight

It is ominous and windy outside tonight. Nights like tonight remind me of when I was a little girl. I used to think that there were monsters under my bed, so I would sleep with my comforter completely covering my head. Of course I made a little peep hole so that I could breathe and keep a lookout for those sneaky little monsters. They only came out on nights like tonight, when the wind would tempt them out from there hiding places….
And, here I am, 20 years later, curled up in bed with my comforter, only instead of hiding from those under-the-bed monsters, I am listening to the whispers in the wind. Oh, and I thew my back out the day before yesterday, so being curled up in bed is a definite plus!

Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!

p.s. the lovely blog “Little Miss Momma” did a sweet feature on my rug DIY. Check it out here!
