July 30, 2011

23 Weeks Pregnant

Hello friends! I am 23 (and a few days) pregnant now, and am feeling like I am in full bloom!

I decided today was the perfect day to where my Giant Dwarf Rosette Fascinator. With my green dress, I feel like a flower 🙂

Recently, aside from getting bigger all over, I am really starting to connect more with my little girl. I feel her squirming inside me, and I love it! I realize that I only have a few more weeks left in this 2nd trimester, and need to get moving on a few projects for baby. We need to get a new pack’n’play, finish her bedding, and buy her some outfits (I only have 1 onesie for her right now, and Violet has been sleeping with it like a blanket)!

Next week we have another ultrasound, and hopefully some of the pregnancy concerns that my midwife has had will have cleared up!

p.s. Sorry for the boob shot in the 1st pic family and friends who read my blog :). See I really am in full bloom…..

July 29, 2011

Gingiber in DIY Magazine

Guess what! Gingiber had it’s first EVER mention in a print magazine! My Turquoise Owlphabet is on page 92 of DIY Magazine!!!!!

How did this come about? My work is sold in the brick and mortar shop, Domestica! A few months ago, some people who were having a room featured in DIY Magazine went shopping at Domestica for artwork, and they picked up my little print! I knew that there was a chance that the Owlphabet might make it in the magazine, but until yesterday I didn’t know for sure!

I am a happy little clam 🙂

July 27, 2011

Happy Family

Here we are. Nathan and Stacie Bloomfield. A Twenty-something young couple who enjoys going on cheese dip lunch dates, watching episodes of the Office, and spending as much time together as possible!

Sometimes when you spend a little “too much” happy time together, you get one of these:

Enter Miss Violet Clementine. The perfect addition to the Bloomfield family. Complete with my spunky personality, and Nathan’s brains and focus. And now, as you know, we are happily expecting Baby Bloomfield #2!

Here is baby girl’s 1st (recognizable) picture! Do you see the resemblance already between her and Violet? It is CRAZY! Same nose, little lips, and furrowed brow. I am so in love with her.

Today at work, the subject came up about what I would do job wise after the baby is born. Honestly, I’ve been throwing some ideas around… should I make a go for Gingiber being a full-time-work-from-home job? Should I try and transition to part-time at the day job? Should I simply stay put? Do I really want both of my kiddos in daycare?

Nathan and I are still weighing the pros and cons of what to do. But let me tell you, every time I look at my little girl’s face in this ultrasound picture, all I can think about is how much I adore my family, and how I would give anything to spend more time with my children.

Time will tell! For now, I think that I am content with enjoying this pregnancy.

Oh, and I need to take more pictures of Nathan and I together. I love that man to bit 🙂

July 25, 2011

My Favorite Place to Sit

There is always a competition in the Bloomfield house: who gets to sit in the yellow chair after work. It is perfectly comfortable, as proven by the permanent butt indention in the cushion 🙂

Yes. This cozy chair is has single-handedly made us a less productive family, because once you sit in it, you never want to get up! Plus, from a decorating standpoint, it fills this awkward wall that leads to the hallway quite nicely! Yes, this chair has been loved, as seen by the seams bursting on the cushion and a few crayon stains from the little lady.

This space is always evolving in terms of decor. The chair stays, but everything around it has changed at least 3 times. This weekend I think I finally settled on an arrangement and color palette that I adore! I repainted the lamp a navy blue, made a quick pillow cover out of some on hand fabric, and framed a print from my absolute favorite American Mid Century painter, Fairfield Porter.

What is it about a cozy nook that makes a house feel more like home? Now if only I could find a little rug and round side table, my nook would be complete 🙂

July 24, 2011

The Birthday Cake

Yesterday my husband turned 27. His only request? A chocolate cake with butter cream frosting.

So what did I make him? Only the best cake I have ever had the privilege of baking: A chocolate fudge cake with butter cream filling and a chocolate ganache frosting 🙂 With just a little raspberry garnish for color.

I used this recipe from the Food Network. It was amazing! I mean I really can be critical of my own cooking, but by golly if this wasn’t the most satisfying piece of cake I have ever had! We still have half of it left…

Good thing baby is hungry 🙂

July 21, 2011

Sneak Peek: Silhouette Chalkboards!

Okay, I am SOOOOOOO excited to share with you the newest product for Gingiber. The silhouette chalkboard! Inspired by classic vintage silhouettes, these wooden chalkboards are crafted in my home studio, hand cut and painted in either school house green or black.

Available for both boys and girls, these reversible chalkboards would be the perfect accessory for a children’s room. I know I am going to hang one in miss Violet’s room 🙂

We are hoping to have these in the shop with the rest of the fall line by mid August, and are currently working on a template for a little girl designed with a ponytail!

I hope that you are as excited about this new product as I am!


July 20, 2011

Manly Chocolate Cake

Now this looks like a manly chocolate cake, doesn’t it? The rough yet controlled icing job, nestled atop of a slice of lumber, finished by a butcher block table…. This will be my inspiration for Nathan’s birthday cake on Saturday.
Yes, my love monkey (I know, disturbing pet name) is turning 27 on Saturday, and I want to make him and even better and prettier cake than last year! 
Happy Tuesday to you all. I’ve been working like a crazy lady at my day job, preparing for a semi annual meeting. But I have lots of ideas dancing in my head, including a long overdue vlog post, photos of my new business cards, and the reveal of the “artwork” hanging above my couch!
Night, night.

July 17, 2011

21 Weeks Pregnant

Yippee! We are over half way there! I am currently almost 22 weeks pregnant, but am a few days behind posting, as usual. Momma and baby Bloomfield are doing pretty well, although my doctor is monitoring me a bit closer than usual due to a few minor pregnancy complications. But I am sure everything will be fine!

I have officially begun nesting like a mad woman, sewing and rearranging more frequently than usual. I am not gonna even mention my weight gain today, because a few days of homemade doughnuts and sausage chili apparently help a woman pack on the pounds. Plus, I have been put on restricted exercising due to said pregnancy complications. Oh well! I really feel great….. minus a few hormonal mood swings 🙂

Nathan, Violet, and I are so excited to meet our baby girl! We are still keeping the name hush hush, but I love calling her by name and talking to her. I feel incredibly blessed to be having this baby.

July 16, 2011

Saturday Breakfast: Buttermilk Dougnuts

So back over the 4th of July, I bought too much buttermilk. Then yesterday I saw this mouth watering recipe for buttermilk doughnuts via ShutterBean, and I knew what we were having for breakfast Saturday morning!

Violet was digging the doughnut holes, while I was happy dunking my big round doughnuts in my coffee 🙂

I should have cut the recipe in half, because I have WAY too many doughnuts left. Who wants to come over for breakfast? They are still warm!

July 14, 2011

Notes to My Younger Self

Stacie, circa 2005

1. Stand up straight, silly girl! I know you are taller than all of the boys, so you feel out of place. But someday, that “mature” figure of yours will drive the boys wild! Be proud!

2. Don’t join the AV team at church to make new friends. Something about wearing all black while crawling around on the ground with a camera on your shoulder during praise and worship tends to keep people at arm’s length.

3. One fateful spring day, when you are 10 years old, your sister will want to play basketball. The ball will strategically hit the roof of the house and come straight down on your currently cute little nose. Just pass on the game of b-ball on that day, okay? It is the beginning of a vicious cycle of balls flying in your face (and I know that sounds crude, but it is literally true)!

4. Just because a boy has the same initials as you does not mean that somehow cosmically he and you are soul mates. I promise.

5. You know how you’ve always wondered if you could be a cheerleader? Please don’t go to tryouts, because they will let you on the squad out of pity. The little cheerleading outfit and glitter is not all it is cracked up to be. Plus the damage that is done to your self esteem will take years of Oprah therapy to undo.

6. You commit to friendship 100%, and come on a little strong in your quest to find a “best friend”. Some friendships will fade, because people drift apart as they grow up. Stop crying at night because you feel rejected by your classmates. There’s more to life than the little private high school you attend and the people in it. You will go to college, and will meet people who will understand you 100%. You can finally stop trying so hard to be liked. Just wait, there is nothing more refreshing then feeling like you can be yourself around people who actually love you!

7. Girl, love your body! You are shaped like a woman, so own it! You will probably never be a size 6. And that is okay! Someday you will look back on your high school pictures and realize how lovely you were!

8. You feel really awkward around children, despise babysitting, and cannot imagine how you could ever be a mother! Well lady, get ready, because you are a fertile myrtle, and you will be amazed at how naturally motherhood comes to you! Embrace your maternal side. There is nothing weak about motherhood.

9. You are an approval junkie. Most of what drives you to be better and do better is motivated by what other people think of you. Please know that until you love and approve of yourself, all of the attention and praise in the world will never fill the void of you not loving yourself. This is your lifelong struggle: self acceptance. But take a moment and realize how incredibly quirky and lovely you are.

10. Trust your instincts: You know the boy who plays the tuba at school? The one that you think is the perfect combination of calm and smarts? The boy who was the sole reason you jointed Music Theory, so you could be in the same class? The curly haired dreamboat that you managed to stand next to in every possible year book photo Junior year? Yeah, you are right. He’s the one 🙂