November 27, 2012

My Husband is Dr. Bloomfield and Other Happenings

Hey! How are you all doing?
I am doing really well. In part due to many of you who purchased an item or two over the holiday shopping weekend. Thank you for enjoying my art and supporting my small business.
The last time I wrote here, it was around my girls’ birthday. Since then, my husband Nathan has defended his dissertation! He is now Dr. Bloomfield 🙂 And yes, I am updating all of our mail correspondence to read “Dr. & Mrs. Bloomfield”. I am exceedingly happy for him. He has been working on his PhD for so many years. Graduation is in December.
We are in the midst of job hunting. Nathan has applied to 20 schools and has at least 20 more applications to complete in December. Some of the jobs are as close as Conway, AR. Perhaps the furthest job is in Washington State. We’ve been told how competitive the job market is. like 500 people apply for every single opening for Assistant Professors in Mathematics.
Maybe I am naive, but I am really hopeful that Nathan has the perfect job waiting for him.
And with all of this waiting, not knowing if we will be moving in August or not, I find myself seriously thinking about the next steps for the business. I’ve grown as much as I can where I currently am. Meaning, I don’t know how much more I can do on my own. Eventually I will need a full-time employee to handle day to day things so that I can focus on what I am best at: being creative. I have some help right now sewing pillow throughout the holiday season. And it is helpful. I am trying to hire an accountant for the books. I am even looking at renting some space outside of my house to create a great workspace.
I keep thinking to myself that maybe the wise thing to do would be to wait to act until Nathan and I know if we will be moving. But that is still like 8 months away. So why stand still? Hoping to find a 6 month lease somewhere nearby.
Anyways, I sure that there are many many other things that I should have mentioned, but right now this is what is on my mind!
Thanks for stopping by,

November 26, 2012

25% Off With Code "CyberMonday"

Hi! Sorry to be clogging your readers with yet another mention of a sale, but today I am offering 25% off your total purchase with coupon code “CYBERMONDAY”.
So many amazing, wonderful things are going on in my life and in the lives of the people that I love. I wish that I could find the time to write them down and tell you all about them.
On top of that, I wanted to say thank you yet again for all of the incredible support you all have shown me and my business. In the past 3 days I have sold over 100 items! That is a ton of sewing, my friends 🙂
I hope that your Thanksgiving was amazing,

November 23, 2012

Black Friday Coupon Code

Howdy! Save 20% off your purchase when you use discount code “TURKEY” during checkout!

November 11, 2012

Lucy is 1 Year Old, So Here Is Her Birth Story

One year ago today, I gave birth to little Lucy Emmeline Bloomfield. I never wrote down her birth story. But it was seriously one of the most deliriously happy days of my life. Here’s the story, if you care to read it.
On November 10th, I went to work as usual. I had the whole 9 month waddle down. And I looked pretty rough. My midwife had been telling me for 2 weeks prior that the baby could come at any time. I had been dilated at a 4 since late October. Everyday that I would walk down the halls at work, I would get another concerned look that I was still there!

But on that day, around 3 PM, I knew that something was up. I had eaten chili for lunch, so when the contractions began to start, I just equated it to good old bean gas 😉 But for a few hours the pains in my tummy kept coming. So I closed my office door and laid down on the couch, timing contractions. I knew that I was in the early stages of labor. I sent an email to a coworker letting her know that I was leaving because I thought that I was in labor, but not to alert anyone just yet.
I called Nathan, who also worked on campus, and he pulled the car around. We drove home, and I finally packed my hospital bag, after weeks of procrastination. That evening I rested on the couch, and knew that the next day I would be having a baby. Nathan’s parents brought us over dinner. I think that I watched some reruns of The Office. And I felt really really calm and mellow.
I was able to get a great night of sleep, so I thought for a little while that maybe labor had stopped. But when I woke up at 5 AM, and felt the contractions starting up again. They were 4 minutes apart.
Being the great prioritizer that I am, I realized that I had Etsy orders to fill!!!! So I let Nathan and Violet sleep while I feverishly sewed pillows for the next 2 hours. The contractions got to 3 minutes apart, and I was still printing out shipping labels!
Gingiber orders always arrive in a timely manner, whether or not I am in labor 🙂

Finally I woke up Nathan and told him we needed to get ready. We first went to the post office to drop off orders (I think that I was crazy), then we took Violet to daycare. I arrived at my doctor’s office right at 8 AM and let them know that I was in labor. They checked me out and admitted me.

The rest of the day was a happy blur. My progressed slowed down a bit once I was in the hospital bed. But golly I was the happiest woman in labor you had ever seen! I was just chatting through contractions, smiling and care free! I made it to a 7 without pain meds.
Then around 6 PM the nurse told me that the anesthesiologist was going home and if I decided that I wanted an epidural I would have to decide now. Fear got the best of me, and I decided to go ahead and get one. I was such a happy little patient, one of the nurses who had been with me most of the day but was now off duty wanted to stay and see me deliver my happy little baby! She held my hand during the epidural.
However, as soon as the epidural was administered the doctor checked my progress and I was already at a 10! I think I was a little crazy/loopy, because I was like “alright folks let’s have this baby!” I even had the forethought to question the doctor about the names of the interns who would be watching me deliver, as I didn’t want just anyone watching my undercarriage push out a baby…… I don’t know what I was saying… but I was confident that it needed to be said.
So within 10 minutes of being checked, I was set up to push. I think that I was made to birth babies, because just like Violet, this kid was out in 3 pushes.
And she was perfect. And I was so happy. Seriously the happiest I had been in years. Lucy was 2 weeks early, but a healthy baby, around 7 pounds.
How did I feel? Well, Nathan and I like to make fun of the ending of the newish Pride and Prejudice where Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth are sitting all 16 Candles like declaring to each other that they are “incandescently happy”. But at that moment, holding my Lucy in my arms, that is exactly how I felt.
I was a little sad that I didn’t get to go natural during the delivery (fear got the best of me), and was sad that my midwife happened to be out of town, so I delivered with the doctor on call. But really and truly, it was one of the best days of my entire life. All of the grandparents were there. My sister was there. Life was just lovely.
And the moment Violet walked in to meet her baby sister was one of the single sweetest moments of the entire experience.
Golly, I am emotional thinking of that day, merely a year ago. I had many complications after delivery. A minor surgery. Reactions to pain medicines. Trouble breastfeeding. Thyroid problems that still have not been regulated. But being a mommy to Lucy makes everything worth it.
So that’s that. I can only hope that my next delivery will be as awesome as this one was.

November 9, 2012

Gingiber Custom Pet Portraits!

Ya’ll I’ve decided to offer custom pet portraits! How does it work? You send me a picture of your precious pooch (or cat, as it may be), and I will make you a fantastic illustration of your furry friend (complete with your animals name on it if you would like)! The price is $60 per illustration.
I can only take on a limited number of these before the holidays, so if you are interested let me know! Contact me via email at gingiberdesign (at) gmail (dot) com.

November 6, 2012

Birthday Week

This week both of my girls celebrate birthdays. Lucy will be 1 year old on Sunday, and miss Violet turned 4 yesterday!
We went to visit Springfield, MO a couple of weeks ago and visited the park that Nathan and I were married. So we snapped up a bunch of pictures of the girls. I really need to take more pictures 🙂
It is getting harder and harder to snap pictures of Violet. She is such a bundle of life and sass! She is a very grown up 4 year old, and I really do adore her. The way she uses words that are years beyond her comprehension. The way she tells me that she prefers biscotti to cookies and coffee to chocolate milk (I’ve never given her coffee but she thinks that she could handle it). She is sharp, and caring, and really lovely. And a fantastic big sister.
 Lucy is pure sugar. Seriously. Happy. Baby. She doesn’t say too many words yet, but the one word she has mastered is “HAPPY”! She says it first thing in the morning. She adores her sister. I love everything about this child. The way she crawls towards me and puts her head in my lap for a hug. The way she loves stuffed animals and tackle hugs them. She is my precious brown haired, dark blue eyed girl. Life would not be complete without her in my life. 
And I have yet to get a nice smiling picture of these girls together. But they are both just so lovely. I love that they love each other. I love that they are so different and bring balance to our home. 
I really have no pictures of me and the girls. I need to take a family picture soon! But I love this little snapshot. Gosh, I feel old. I am only 26, but I see it more in pictures now. In my eyes. In the strands of grey hair I find when I am brushing my hair. And yet there is so much life in front of me. With these kids. With Nathan. I am really so fortunate and happy. 
So happy birthday, sweet Violet and Lucy. I adore you. 
– Mom

November 3, 2012


It is early November, and I cannot help but think back to this time last year. I was about a week away from giving birth to my daughter, Lucy. I knew that having another child would change my life.

However, something else significant happened around this time last year. I received an Etsy Convo from Etsy asking me to be a featured seller! I was sitting on a park bench watching Nathan chase Violet around a play yard. I checked my email just out of habit. And when I say the message from Etsy, I started celebrating! I texted a close friend to let her know that I had been chosen to be a Featured Seller. Then I saw the date that they wanted to feature me: Literally 5 days after my due date to deliver Lucy.
I wasn’t sure how I would manage being a featured seller right after delivering a baby, but I was not going to say no to Etsy!
So with a month to go until my due date (for both Lucy and Etsy) I began prepping. Etsy had told me to expect a huge increase in sales, but I had no idea what to expect. And I spent every free moment in between work and sleep sewing pillows, packaging calendars, and buying shipping supplies.
I will admit, I thrive under pressure. However, working a full time job, taking care of a 3 year old, and the prep for the Etsy feature was a little more than I could handle! Secretly I had been hoping that Lucy would arrive earlier than expected just so that I would have more time to recover for my Etsy sales. 
My midwife had told me that she thought that the baby would come early, so I clung to that hope. 


It is early November, and I cannot help but think back to this time last year. I was about a week away from giving birth to my daughter, Lucy. I knew that having another child would change my life.

However, something else significant happened around this time last year. I received an Etsy Convo from Etsy asking me to be a featured seller! I was sitting on a park bench watching Nathan chase Violet around a play yard. I checked my email just out of habit. And when I say the message from Etsy, I started celebrating! I texted a close friend to let her know that I had been chosen to be a Featured Seller. Then I saw the date that they wanted to feature me: Literally 5 days after my due date to deliver Lucy.
I wasn’t sure how I would manage being a featured seller right after delivering a baby, but I was not going to say no to Etsy!
So with a month to go until my due date (for both Lucy and Etsy) I began prepping. Etsy had told me to expect a huge increase in sales, but I had no idea what to expect. And I spent every free moment in between work and sleep sewing pillows, packaging calendars, and buying shipping supplies.
I will admit, I thrive under pressure. However, working a full time job, taking care of a 3 year old, and the prep for the Etsy feature was a little more than I could handle! Secretly I had been hoping that Lucy would arrive earlier than expected just so that I would have more time to recover for my Etsy sales. 
My midwife had told me that she thought that the baby would come early, so I clung to that hope. 

November 1, 2012


I can’t even remember the last time that I blogged. This past month has been the best for me and Gingiber (we are one and the same). Having an intern tremendously freed up some time for me to think about what I want to do next.
And I have somehow settled on drawing dogs. Lots of dogs. If you will allow me to ramble for a moment: I love dogs. They are all I used to draw when I was a little girl. And really I cannot believe that I haven’t been drawing pups for Gingiber until now.
Another upside of having an intern: those pesky little things that I have grown to despise about running a business, such as hand sewing pillows, or packaging, I can hand over to my intern. This allows me time to draw, handle the backend of business, and really think and plan out business ventures.
Side note: as quickly as I announced my new intern, I had to start looking for a new one! Kaitlyn found a full time job (totally great for her). I am interviewing 2 potential candidates tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Back to the dogs: I cannot decide specifically what I want to do once I finish drawing like every possible dog that strikes my fancy. A part of me wants to try and self publish an educational book about dogs for children. Another part of me wants to save all of them for something like Surtex and try to license them. 
Anyways, I am really happy to feel inspired to draw. I love it. Doodling away. I am never happier!
What is going on with you? Seriously! This blog has been sad and quiet for far to long and I want to hear from all 3 of you who are still reading this GingiberSnap blog 😉