November 3, 2012


It is early November, and I cannot help but think back to this time last year. I was about a week away from giving birth to my daughter, Lucy. I knew that having another child would change my life.

However, something else significant happened around this time last year. I received an Etsy Convo from Etsy asking me to be a featured seller! I was sitting on a park bench watching Nathan chase Violet around a play yard. I checked my email just out of habit. And when I say the message from Etsy, I started celebrating! I texted a close friend to let her know that I had been chosen to be a Featured Seller. Then I saw the date that they wanted to feature me: Literally 5 days after my due date to deliver Lucy.
I wasn’t sure how I would manage being a featured seller right after delivering a baby, but I was not going to say no to Etsy!
So with a month to go until my due date (for both Lucy and Etsy) I began prepping. Etsy had told me to expect a huge increase in sales, but I had no idea what to expect. And I spent every free moment in between work and sleep sewing pillows, packaging calendars, and buying shipping supplies.
I will admit, I thrive under pressure. However, working a full time job, taking care of a 3 year old, and the prep for the Etsy feature was a little more than I could handle! Secretly I had been hoping that Lucy would arrive earlier than expected just so that I would have more time to recover for my Etsy sales. 
My midwife had told me that she thought that the baby would come early, so I clung to that hope. 

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