May 15, 2011

12 Weeks Pregnant

Hello! I hope you don’t mind my talking about my pregnancy on the blog. I know a lot of GingiberSnap readers aren’t mommas, so forgive me if every few posts I mention it! But, this baby is a big part of my life right now, and I really want to savor every moment of this pregnancy. I was so busy when I was pregnant with Violet. I had just graduated college, moved to a new state, started a new job, and was so distracted that I didn’t write down anything!

I am now 12 weeks pregnant. The morning sickness has let up tremendously. I have only gained 2 pounds (but I wasn’t in the best shape to start out with). I have thought about buying an exercise bike to stay fit, but I don’t really know if it is worth it? FYI, I am 5’8”, and was a curvy size 12 to begin with, so I am really hoping to have some self control this go around (ignore the fact that I just ate a 1/4 of a peach pie for lunch, mkay?).

I’ve got a little bit of a baby pooch showing. You can see it best in the 1st picture. I could have sworn a few nights ago that I felt some flutters! So exciting!

6 responses to “12 Weeks Pregnant”

  1. Congratulations!! 🙂
    Best of luck, i’m sure alil peach pie wont hurt! 😉

  2. Erin says:

    Look at you cutie!! 🙂

  3. I think it’s so lovely to hear someone gushing about their pregnancy! I loved being pregnant so much I would do it every day if I could and I always feel really sorry for women who have horrible experiences and hate the way they look and feel during pregnancy. Embrace it all I say, and love every lb of it too!! I really regret not keeping a diary which I was pregnant with my Honey as you do forget lots of things but like you, I was just so busy throughout that I didn’t have any time at all, and whenever I did sit down in a comfy seat, I fell asleep!!
    You look wonderful, keep on enjoying it! xx

  4. thursday says:

    You’re pregnant?! Congratulations!! And never apologize for blogging about the journey – this is your place for reflection.

    Glad to hear that the nausea is letting up. That is definitely one of the most unpleasant parts of the whole thing.

  5. Gingiber says:

    Thanks, friends! I appreciate the support!

  6. megan lane says:

    aww you look adorable stacie! no need to apologize for talking about your baby, i love seeing photos/hearing about your pregnancy! so keep the preggo posts coming!

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