January 22, 2011

how’s it hanging?

I’ve got a bit of a decorating situation: what to hang above my couch? Ever since we got our new couch cover (which Wallace and I both ADORE, can’t you tell?) my painted sea green mirror no longer meshes. I’ve got great plans for this mirror (it will look divine  above my dining room table). But as it is, I am stuck trying to figure out a solution for what to replace it with! With the help of Photoshop, I’ve narrowed down some alternatives:

Option 1: Picture Grouping

Photoshopped image source: younghouselove

 This option would allow me to use a lot of existing prints that I have around the house. I can hit up the salvation army for inexpensive frames, and paint them all the same color for a nice cohesive effect. I love the way that Sherry and John from Young House Love pulled this off in their daughter’s nursery.

I just don’t want too much clutter, ya know? Is the scale large enough? Moving onto option #2:

Option 2: Record Frames as Art

Photoshopped image source: Urban Outfitters

This is another inexpensive alternative. These frames are from Urban Outfitters, and are 2 for $15 (score!). I could put fabric inside of them, original art, large colorful photographs to pull in the colors from the rest of the room, who knows!

Yet do they fill the space well enough? I know that I did not scale these to size, so I believe that they will be much smaller in real life. Onto Option #3:

Option 3: Affordable Suzani Textile (In My Dreams)

Photoshopped image source: cloth and kind

I have a wonderful, reoccurring dream: I go to a local antique store, rummage through an old barrel filled with yellowed sheets and scraps of fabric, and suddenly find a GORGEOUS Suzani textile for $15! Of course this is only a dream. And real suzani costs an arm and a leg.

But if I could afford Suzani, I would want it to be as close to the one Photoshopped above my couch. I love the deep fuchsia’s and oranges! Of course this Suzani is over 100 years old and belongs to someone else, but I can still close my eyes and dream. Finally Option #4

Option 4: 6 Square Frames from IKEA

Photoshopped image source: Apartment Therapy
This option is a lot like the second image, a large grouping of images. Yet I like 6 frames all painted white. It is balanced. But is it boring? I would definitely use colorful images inside these frames. Pops of pinks and greens! Still, 6 frames can add up in the old $$ department. 
Maybe I could build some frames out of canvas stretcher bars?
So what do you guys think? I need your input! I am leaning towards option #4, but am still torn!
Happy Saturday!

14 responses to “how’s it hanging?”

  1. Hannah B. says:

    I vote Records because they instantly add personality, but 6 instead of 4 because I think they would be a tad smaller. Whatever you do, it will be super cute just like the rest of your house! 🙂

  2. RachelDenbow says:

    Alas, my large bare wall in the living room is needing some TLC, too. I feel a little awkward having so much potential and no really stand out ideas. This is throwing my game off. Sorry I can’t be of help but I do love your mock ups!

  3. Dominika says:

    I like 1 or 4 :o) I like the clean lines AND I think having your photos on display would be great!

  4. megan lane says:

    i am leaning toward # 1 (love that look!) but #4 is a close second, as long as the prints have some color. i am sure that whatever you ultimately decide on will look great!

  5. Lesley says:

    i love the records. that’s my vote. very cute.

    btw, hung up my owl calender yesterday and have gotten quite a few compliments 🙂

  6. Gingiber says:

    Thanks for the suggestions! Keep em coming!

  7. Jenna says:

    Okay, so i know this isn’t the Suzani textile, but I have seen some pretty gorgeous (fairly similar) legit African/Indian fabric here and all really affordable. I could send you a picture library of them …

  8. Moriah says:

    Leaning towards #1 – but I’m a sucker for clutter! 🙂

  9. #1, I love the gallery look and you can add so many interesting things to the mix to make it unique! good luck with the decorating 🙂

  10. Lauren says:

    My favorite is the last option, the six frames. I think they look very neat and nice!

  11. Option 4 is the most balancing…

  12. Gingiber says:

    If I can figure out a way to obtain 6 frames for under $40, I will go with option #4! Now to hunt for frames! Otherwise it is gonna be the 1st option!

  13. Anonymous says:

    I vote #4
    If you search the salvation army and goodwill you can sometimes luck out on inexpensive frames (you might have to spray paint though)
    Also, inexpensive art can be found in calendars. I have a friend who used calendar art for this very purpose. She used close ups of flowers, grasses and ferns. Which gave an abstract quality to the art.
    Very nice work on your mock-ups!

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