November 21, 2010

my weekend: the show

Howdy! I’ve been M.I.A. for a few days. First, I had my big work event on Monday and Tuesday, followed by a rousing 2 days of illness (pretty sure I caught what has been going around at work, and I felt poopy). Finally, I had my booth at the local Boutique NWA Show on Friday and Saturday. Here are some pics of my booth:

So, this show was…. less than ideal. I am not trying to be negative, but I did not do very well. I did not sell a single stocking (except to a relative), and hardly any calendars! But I did sell a few prints, postcard sets, and flashcards, so not all is lost! I did meet lots of people who had seen my work online and on etsy, so that rocked my face off! I suppose that I should try a show more geared towards “Indie Art” but there aren’t any in Arkansas. Maybe it is time to change directions a bit…

Thanks for all of the well wishes regarding the show. It was anticlimactic, but I did have fun setting up the booth with my sister!

I’ve got lots to catch up on!


11 responses to “my weekend: the show”

  1. Kim says:

    sorry to hear you didn’t do well. 🙁 your booth looks incredible though! i know at a few shows i’ve done, people kinda wrinkle their noses at my prices….which are pretty dang affordable in my book. maybe the people attending that show were expecting $5 gifts. hrmph. dunno.

  2. Carly says:

    so cute — i love your shop!

  3. Lauren says:

    Your booth does look adorable! Go you for at least getting out there and doing a show!

  4. Erin says:

    I’m sorry! I had a show like that the other day. Was this a junior league show? I think a few of my crafter friends were at that show too. Brandy from Bella Vita and Nikki from the Gleeful peacock. We all work in a close crafter’s community here in Tulsa.

  5. dear colleen says:

    Wow your stand looks great. I think you’re right in thinking that maybe you haven’t found the right sort of fair for your work yet. I find it hard selling along side very old school crafters as my work really doesn’t fit into that camp and I think you end up being judged by people who will never be your customers – which lets face it isn’t fun or useful. It’s great that you met people that know your brand though and hopefully you handed out lots of business cards. I’ve always done good online sells in the weeks after a fair:)

  6. MandiCoulter says:

    your booth looks super super cute and i would have boughten a stocking! or two! 🙂
    we had 2 craft sales this weekend (in Canada) and I am having the EXACT same feelings as you at this moment. It feels kind of sucky to not fare so well after all of your hard work, but I think we are realising finding the right sales is key and that is amazing the people are recognising you and your name…and of course the experience and networking is invaluable 🙂
    awesome job either way!!!

  7. Artsy Momma says:

    Keep your chin up! I have been doing the craft circuit for about 5 years now and I am still finding the right shows for my artwork. Your booth looks great just keep putting yourself out there. And if there isnt an art show that you think fits your art, get some artist with like minded crafts together and start your own. It may be tough the first couple years but from the few smaller indie shows I have done each year gets bigger and better as time goes on. Love your stuff!!!

  8. Casey says:

    You definitely had a great set-up. I came by on Saturday and talked to you (I’m Casey from Lollywood) I wish I had brought more cash with me, I wanted to get more than the postcards we got!

    When I lived in Fayetteville, I could never find any Indie shows nearby. Tulsa and OKC have been my best bet for cool shows close by.

    Here’s a few to remember and look into:

    Deluxe Indie Craft Bazaar in OKC
    (This is always a December show and the vendors have already been picked but you should definitely check into it for next year. The people who put it on are awesome and it’s got a great following of artists and customers!)

    Dustbowl Arts Market in Norman, Ok
    (They typically do this show in April and August. There will probably info up soon for the April one. They work with the Norman Music Festival so there’s tons of traffic! Plus, lots of food vendors are set up and just everyone in Norman comes out for this. The August one is on Campus Corner and all the kids coming back to school stop by to see all the vendors and shop! My best shows are here and at Deluxe!)
    Also their facebook page might post the info for the next one.. usually around January I think:!/pages/Dustbowl-Arts-Market/208528695059

    Alliday Everyday in Tulsa, Ok
    (This is a new show- the first one was last June. I know the lady that puts it on and she’s really cool and super nice. It’s a one day show and had a pretty good crowd for the first show ever! My fiance is gonna be helping her with the artwork for this year’s show, so I’m really excited for him and the show! I’m guessing the next one will be in summer again.)

    Indie Emporium in Tulsa, Ok
    (This is a two-day show with a good following of shoppers. I’ve met a lot of my crafty friends from doing this show. It’s done in the fall.. I believe next year it will be at the end of September. This event does cost admission for people coming to it, though. It’s $8 or $5 with 2 cans of food to donate to charity. That doesn’t stop a lot of people from coming out, because they know there are tons of awesome vendors inside.)

    You could also try shows in Dallas, but that is a lot further.. but if you have friends in the area and can crash with them.. it’d be worth it. Tons of people come out to Dallas/Ft Worth shows. I’ll just give you some links since I’ve never been a vendor in any of these shows and can’t really vouch for them.

    Now accepting applications:

    Other Dallas shows: (They do a jingle bash and a spring bash but it is kinda hard to get in because they accept all their Etsy Dallas members first.)

    Once you find where YOUR customers are, you won’t look back. They’ll be anticipating your next shows. I love being at a show and someone going “Oh, I was hoping Lollywood would be here!” It’s so neat for people coming to see your work.

    I love your illustration style! It’s so neat! If you ever make shirts, I’ll be one of the first to want to pick one up. 🙂

  9. Jill says:

    Hi Stacie, I met you this weekend and I brought home a print of your lovely bold girl and some gift tags. Your work is outstanding and your booth was the most darling one at the show. Meeting you was one of my highlights of the weekend. xoxo Jill Denton

  10. Gingiber says:

    Wow! Thanks everyone for your kind, encouraging words! If it weren’t for the kindness of my online friends, I don’t know how I would do it!

    Jill and Casey (and anyone else I had the pleasure of meeting this weekend) thanks! I love meeting people who like the same things that I like!

  11. Your booth is gorgeous! I love all the Kraft paper, and your paper garland.

    At my first ever craft show, I only sold things to the people I had invited to come! No one else even stopped to look. It was disappointing, but I was too excited to care.

    I’ve got your calendar on my Christmas list!

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