September 16, 2010

me and my pal, violet

Violet wanted to say hi!
And blow you a kiss.
Violet is learning all sorts of new things. For instance, she now knows to go sit on the potty to “do her business”. Unfortunately, she is always a few seconds too late. But progress is progress. Violet also has learned to jump like a champ. She spent the better portion of Tuesday evening jumping in the air and landing on her fanny. Thata girl!
I love being a mom. The balance of pursuing my personal passions while maintaining a semblance of family normality (whatever that is) is difficult. When I come home from my day job, I have a choice. I can either sit and watch the Gummy Bears with Violet while putting her hair in a pony tail (yes there is enough for a ponytail! She just constantly pulls out the rubber band!) or to hull up on my laptop working on orders and designs. I am trying to make sure that I am the best momma I can be, and not loose myself in the process.
I was talking to Nathan about being a mom last week. I made the usual needy self deprecating comment to him about my lack of mothering instinct. How I struggle with my desire to make my art my full-time gig, sometimes neglecting others in the process. Nathan always makes time to watch Violet so that I can escape for an hour and draw without distraction. He is pretty much the best dad that an almost 2 year old could ask for!
Then, my sweet husband encouraged me, saying that when Violet grows older, she will be proud of all of my hard work. She will see me as an entrepreneur, and artist, and a genuine self starter. I sure hope that is true. Because Violet deserves the best possible mommy. And I just want to make her proud!
How many of you moms feel this way too?

4 responses to “me and my pal, violet”

  1. Leslie says:

    Oh Stacie, you are not alone! I don’t think a day has ever gone by where I thought, “Perfect! I didn’t need any more hours in this day!” Balance is something I’m sure every mom is constantly striving for. But Nathan is right, Violet will be so proud of you and so are we! You are doing a great job!! And by the way, Violet is absolutely ADORABLE!!! I can’t wait to get her and Molly Kate together for a play date one day!

  2. Gingiber says:

    Oh Les, that would be so fun to have the little girls together! It makes me so sad that Lubbock is so far away! Thanks for commenting! How did the recording at your church go?

  3. RachelDenbow says:

    Every single day. It’s a necessity at this point that I spend time working to make money for our family so it’s easier to not feel as guilty but that struggle is still there.
    On a lighter note, I LOVE your chalkboard walls!

  4. Gingiber says:

    Thanks, Rachel! I know that everyone feels that way at times! So many women are in the same spot as you and I. Oh, and glad that you like my walls! I love them too! I will be really sad to paint over them in a 2 years when we have to move….. But for now they rock my world!

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