August 23, 2010

spread the love

Wedding Banner by spreadthelove
Is this not the most lovely wedding announcement? If I were getting married today, I would want something lovely like this to commemorate the event!

It reminds me of an old marriage license that Nathan has of his great-great-great-great-grandfather and grandmother Bloomfield. Yes, we have good old John and Mary Bloomfield’s wedding certificate. And it to is laced with decorative flowers and birds.

Although, I do think that I prefer this more modern and quirky take on the wedding banner (sorry John and Mary).

I hope that everyone is having the best Monday possible. Thank you sincerely for your encouragement of my upcoming show. I am not going to lie. I am petrified. What if I don’t sell any product? What is my booth is too amateur? Will I kick myself for not having been prepared to accept credit cards?

And the worst fear of all: What if people just don’t like me.

Here I am, a 24 year old woman, still afraid of what people think. I have always struggled with self confidence, but at some point, I will grow out of it, right?

Please, don’t tell me that my attitude is a choice…. pretty please? I want to live in my comfortably delusional world for just a day or two more, then I will grow up.

Pinky Promise!


2 responses to “spread the love”

  1. You will surely be successful, don’t doubt yourself, exude confidence
    : )

  2. Meg says:

    i’m almost 26 and, believe me, i still struggle with it! but i am sure that your doubts and worries are for naught. your work is exceedingly charming, your booth set-up looks fabulous, and as far as i can tell, you are a super cool lady 🙂

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