March 3, 2013


Hello again. I just got both kid’s down for a nap. Nathan is out at a jam session (he loves to play the drums), and I am actually sitting. Doing nothing for a moment. I just had a lovely chat with a dear college friend, and now I am thinking about the next item to check off of the “to-do” list.
Yesterday was a rough day. The day before that was a rough day. I could go through the laundry list of things that have been going wrong (including my laundry room flooding, being pulled over, losing my debit card, etc.) but instead I will tell you about a few nice things.
My friends brought us dinner last night. Just to be nice since my day had been hectic. A community of friends, customers, and artists supported me through a small squabble involving my artwork’s copyright being infringed upon. The sun is shining. My pants are looser. And for a brief moment today my soul has been at peace.
Whether or not this is an artificial peace brought on my some antibiotics I am on has yet to be determined. However, I guess sometimes when everything is going wrong, all you can do is sit still.
And dream. I’ve always had a vision of what our life would look like at this point in our lives. Now maybe it is time for the dream to change. Or shift. Or to become portable.
My heart has been heavy for a while now. I am ready to fill lighter.
Here’s to springtime. 

2 responses to “Sunday”

  1. Alan Musy says:

    Its really nice and amazing design. Like most this types of blog and photo.

  2. Lauren says:

    Hey Stacie,
    I’ve been following your shop and blog for months, but never commented. I just wanted to say that I obviously love all your creations and art, but you should know that I really love that you blog about you and your family/life too. It makes you a real person, and that’s so much more inspirational for others!

    I’m glad you’re feeling a little better, and hope you guys get some awesome news soon.

    Thanks for being an inspiration through your work and life, and sharing it with us!

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