January 10, 2013

It’s My Birthday and Gingiber Poster Preview

Ya’ll, today I turned 27 years old! Honestly, I have always felt like a 40 year old trapped in a twenty something’s body, so every year that I get older, I feel a little bit more like myself. Is that totally strange?
I’ve had the most pleasant day so far, working for a few hours in my new studio, followed by lunch with Amber of Perrodin Supply Company. Lucy tagged along, too! Now both kids are home and we are getting ready for dinner with my in-laws. Nathan’s step-sister has the same birthday as me, so it will be quite the merry party!
So in case you couldn’t tell in the 1st picture, Gingiber posters are coming! And Violet has already claimed this amazing Quilted Fox poster for her bedroom. She is mega pumped!
I am releasing the 6 best selling illustrations as 16×20 inch posters. They fit standard Ikea frames, and are really really high quality. Luscious colors. Thick, sturdy paper. Why didn’t I release posters sooner?
They should be in the shop by the end of the month! I have to photograph/style them first. I am the WORST photographer of all time. Some people can just see the pretty in a frame and style the heck out of product. I over think it 😉
Are you excited about posters? Which of the 6 is your favorite?

6 responses to “It’s My Birthday and Gingiber Poster Preview”

  1. Sara says:

    Oh my gosh, those are super cute!! My favorite would be a toss-up between the fox and the chickadee!

  2. Anne B. says:

    Looks great. My favorites are the fox and the cat with the pale background.

  3. Buzz White says:

    i like the fox and the bear.

  4. Happy birthday!! That’s funny about how you feel like you’re more yourself. 🙂 Love the bird and bear!!

  5. These look gorgeous!!! I love the colored backgrounds on them!

    I know what you mean about being a 40 yr old trapped in a younger body- I always felt the same. However, this year I turned 40, and I still don’t like it very much!! Something about actually being 40 doesn’t feel quite as nice- ha!

    I’m wondering whether there’s any way you could share how you’re having your posters printed? I’m an artist myself, and have been considering selling prints, but have had a hard time finding sources for larger poster-style prints like these. I understand if you’d prefer to keep your sources private, but I’d love any advice you could give me! My email is appendageassemblage at hotmail dot com. Thank you!!

  6. megan lane says:

    Oh my gosh, gorgeous! Happy belated birthday Stacie!

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