December 20, 2011

It is a case of the mondays (on tuesday)

You know how sometimes life is just, well, blah? I mean, I know, I did have a baby last month. But still, recently the days and nights melt together, and before I know it a whole week has gone by! I am so out of touch with what is happening. For instance: I have spent most of today thinking that it was Wednesday and that we missed trash day….
I think I even imagined hearing the garbage truck go by. Oh glorious sleep deprivation!
Anyways, what is the point of this blog? Or of the picture I posted? Well, that is the 1st ornament Nathan and I got when we were married. How quickly 5 and a half years have gone by. I think that the most difficult part of adjusting to a new baby in the home is how little time Nathan and I have had together to just, well, be Nathan and Stacie! We clean the house. He goes to work. I work on Gingiber, feed the baby, changed diapers. He comes home. It is dark outside. And inevitably one of us crashes on the couch while the other one tends to the girls.
I adore the girls and my business. However, I look forward to times when the days feels less like drudgery and are replaced with hopeful possibilities.
In other non related news, we have begun cloth diapering! But that may call for a blog post of its own. Leaky diapers are killing me softly…..

One response to “It is a case of the mondays (on tuesday)”

  1. Rebecca says:

    Oh my goodness, I feel you! I have a 4 week old, our first baby. I really had no idea how it would change things for me and my husband. It feels like we never have time for just us anymore! I’d kill for a date night, and I used to think date nights were silly. 🙁 It was so hard for me to accept at first, but things are getting easier and we’re getting better at making time for us! It is so hard, though. Especially with the sleep deprivation… Hang in there!

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