September 30, 2011

Before: Reupholstery Project

It has been, oh, 2 years since I have had the time or need to reupholster a piece of furniture. But now the girls’ room needs a cozy chair to cuddle in and read books, so I scoured Craigslist to find some sort of armchair in need of some TLC.

Let me tell you, in Arkansas (at least in my experience) it was really hard to find a chair with decent lines! but I finally lucked out with this lovely 1960’s low profile lounge chair. Sure, the fabric is in really bad shape (the previous owner had paid a bundle to have it recovered, only to have their pet destroy the fabric).

I am planning on recovering this in a heavy weight lemon colored fabric. No pattern, as the girls’ room already has a large chevron rug, so I don’t want the room to be too busy.

I have less than 2 months until Lucy arrives, so *hopefully* I will have this project completed within a few weeks time and share the results with you!

Wish me luck 🙂

6 responses to “Before: Reupholstery Project”

  1. Ms. Megan says:

    I love that chair!!
    I can see the potential lurking beneath the fabric. 🙂
    Poor chair, being torn apart by pets…

  2. Great find!! and….good luck! I can’t wait to see you work your magic!

  3. RachelDenbow says:

    GREAT lines. I need to get brave with our stained chair in the living room. I bet once I see how you did it I’ll be motivated. I’m just so intimidated by upholstery projects.

  4. Sarbear says:

    Awesome base to work off of. I’m excited to see what you do with it. 🙂


  5. Sarah says:

    You are so right, it is hard to find good chairs in Arkansas! I’m so excited to see how this turns out. I have several pieces that need recovering and I’m learning it’s super expensive in AR. Good luck! Maybe I’ll get the guts to try it on my own.

  6. Upholstery says:

    Before reupholstery project has been described by you. Thanks for sharing

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