January 18, 2011

gingiber on etsy’s front page today

Be still my rapidly beating heart! My 2011 Owl Calendar is still going strong, especially after an appearance on Etsy’s front page this morning!

Thank you all for your continued support of my blog and art!


Making a Dress?

(photo of my pregnant sister and I, and the only full body shot of my dress)

I love pretty dresses. But I really don’t like trying them on (who’s with me, ladies?). I have 3 favorite dresses (2 of which are pictured here) that I wear practically every time I see someone and want to look dynamite. All 3 are cut very similarly with an empire waist and a skirt that falls just to my knees.

So it hit me that perhaps I should try to use one of these dresses as a pattern and simply make my own! Wouldn’t that be lovely? I am no professional seamstress, but I think I will give it a shot, just to say that I tried (and possibly add to my wardrobe). Plus I could use pretty fabrics and feel uber posh. You know, because French Posh Chic is very in this season, no? (kidding)

Have you ever thought about starting from scratch and making a garment?

January 16, 2011

anthropologie love

For my birthday I was given a gift card to ANTHROPOLOGIE! I am a little bit excited, and cannot wait to drive up to Tulsa and peruse the pretty store! Here are some of my favorite items right now (although I highly doubt that I can afford any of them, gulp!):

Geometry in Motion Skirt

Pond Reflection Dress and Soft Structure Dress

Yay for shopping next weekend!

January 15, 2011

home sweet home (something smells)

This is a picture of Nathan and I on the day we bought our first home. We were newlyweds, excited to enter home ownership. It was a small house, not even 800 square feet. 2 bedrooms, one bath, adorable dining nook, and a quaint back porch under a canopy of mature shade trees. I was quite happy to have place to call home.

Yet, often with home ownership, there were some unexpected hiccups along the way. Like on the morning of our 6 month wedding anniversary, the ceiling in our guest bedroom literally collapsed! The house had plaster walls and ceilings, so you can imagine our horror when 200+ lbs of ceiling came falling from the sky. As it turns out, the previous owners had tried to do some shady repairs on the old home (built in 1946) and we got to witness the fallout. Nathan and I were in college at the time, and of course the ceiling fiasco was the same week as our finals. And the same week Nathan was a groomsman in his best friend’s wedding. And the week before Christmas. Oh, good memories….

The next year, Nathan and I decided to have Central Air and Heat installed in the little home. We called around, got our quotes, saved our money, and were so excited when our HVAC specialist showed up to our home in late September to begin installation. Let’s just say that our HVAC guy started work, ripped a big dirty hole in our floor, and then never showed up again to finish the job! We called and called to get the job done, but it was not until we had a November snow storm (and a mighty cold house) that someone from the HVAC company came and finished the job.

Today, living in an entirely different home in Arkansas, we began to smell a strange odor coming out from our heating unit. What could it be? Mold or Mildew? A Leak? Is this why Violet has been coughing so much? I am wondering if the trials of home ownership are going to rear their ugly head, once again.

First thing in the morning an HVAC specialist is going to examine the home. They’ve never heard of a sweet smell coming from a heating vent. I hope we get this resolved soon! We’ve turned the heat off for the night (the smell only occurs when the heat comes on).

Tonight we will snuggle under blankets (Violet loves to cuddle on the couch). We will watch way too much Netflix. And we will quietly remember that sometimes home ownership is not all it is cracked up to be.

January 12, 2011

Inspiration: Shannon South’s Doily Lamp

If you were browsing Apartment Therapy today, you probably saw this AMAZING handmade doily lamp by the talented Shannon South.

Don’t you just *adore* the playful doily patterns on the walls when her lamp is turned on?

Be sure to check out her blog, Remade USA, for more inspiration!


January 11, 2011

new collection: milkglass bud vases

What did you do over the weekend? Well I was so lucky as to spend a day with my sweet friend, Laura. She showed up with the loveliest flowers to brighten my house.

We spent a few hours wondering the few good antique stores in Tontitown. I was so excited to see that they had lots of adorable milk glass bud vases. 

I’ve been wanting a small collection of them for a while (they photograph so pretty) so I bought 5 and happily brought them home!

Do you have any small collections?


January 10, 2011

26 before 26

Today I turned 25 years old. The day has been thus far AMAZING! My husband made me the most delicious Chocolate Nutella Cake from scratch last night, then treated me to breakfast in bed this morning. He even drove me to work and bought me a coffee (swoon!). What a man, I tell you.

I feel as though this monumental birthday (heck, I can rent a car and find better rates on car insurance now) deserves to be commemorated with a list of goals for the year.

Throughout my life, I have been a list maker. However, I hardly ever stick to them. I tend to change directions easily (have you seen my ever changing blog layout, for example?) so sticking to a plan is tough for this indecisive mama. Some of my goals will be serious, but some are just things that I never make time for. So without further adieu, here is my list of goals for the year.

1. Launch a developing (but still secret) business venture
2. Dye my hair blonde (much more blonde than the subdle highlights I have been sporting as of late)
3. Save more money
4. Read a great book (I have not picked up a book in AGES)
5. Invest in friendships (time = money stronger friendships)
6. Sell our Springfield, MO home (that one may be out of my hands, but still it is a goal)
7. Plan a 5 year anniversary trip with Nathan
8. Eat more veggies (cheese is not a vegetable, apparently)
9. Expand the Gingiber Product Line
10. Play a round of golf (I used to play on my men’s golf team in high school)
11. Start a great skin care regiment (I never EVER wash my face before going to bed)
12. Make more time for dates with Nathan
13. Organize and donate items in my garage (I want to de-clutter my life)
14. Volunteer for some community organization
15. Have a more positive outlook on life (Hi, my name is Debbie Downer, blargh)
16. Find some new TV shows to watch (I’ve watch every episode of Gilmore Girls at least 10 times)
17. Get the windshield replaced in my Honda (There has been a crack in the windshield for 4 years)
18. Spend more time with my sister and her soon to be born daughter, Charis
19. Spend more time with ALL family, for that matter. Yes, I am talking to you, Texas family!
20. Invest in some properly fitting clothing, and finally throw out those size 8 jeans
21. Sketch more for me, not just for my business (it is quite therapeutic)
22. Help Nathan search for jobs as we approach graduation
23. Begin *thinking* about expanding our little family (this cannot happen until Nathan graduates)
24. Get a family photo taken (we have never had one made)
25. Start taking Violet to the park
26. Grow my wholesale and consignment business

So there you have it! Wish me luck as I embark on these exiting goals!


the bathroom facelift: bead board and paint color

This week I focused on painting the bead board, cabinets, and trim in the bathroom.

Last week I said I would go into more detail about installing the bead board. I don’t have a ton of pictures of the process, but we simply bought some board from the hardware store and had them make the major cuts to size. We brought the boards home and my husband made the more detailed cuts (like where the light switch is and corners of the counter top). We then applied liquid nails to the back of the boards and affixed them to the walls. We actually used shower curtain rods to create tension and help hold the boards in place while the glue dried. I painted the bead board with white paint made especially for bathrooms (to prevent mold and mildew) and that was it! All that is left with the bead board is to seal the edges with waterproof silicone caulk to prevent moisture from getting behind the boards and topping it off with some trim.

 We ordered a curtain on sale from Urban Outfitters to cover the door and front of the shower, but am not sure yet if I love it.
I also picked out a paint color for the walls to cover the pale rose color that is currently there. It is called “Light Mint” and actually compliments the existing greenish tile work nicely!I know that the pictures are poorly lighted, but soon I will have new lighting fixtures installed with proper light bulbs for such a small space. I think that it will look fabulous!
Until next week,

January 9, 2011

fan-friggin-tastic (borrowed title)

Do you read the blog Young House Love? If you love DIY home renovations, you totally should! I’ve spent the better portion of the last several evenings browsing YHL’s archives. One post that was super duper inspiring was their simple makeover of a ceiling fan using a basic lamp shade.  I tried very hard to follow their simple instructions, yet I somehow goofed it up. So Nathan and I had to improvise!
So you know how lamp shades have a wires inside that are used to hold light bulbs? Well accidentally broke the wires, thus having a lovely (and useless) shade. In order to attach a lampshade to a ceiling fan, the wire interface is important! 
So instead of getting sad (see my happy face through the lamp shade) Nathan and I got creative with a bit of chicken wire and paint!
Here’s an old photo of what the ceiling fan looked like before we began the project (please don’t mind this old photo of the living room). Wow it has come along way! We removed the ceiling fan blades and glass light covers, were left with the lighting fixture.
I painted the brass fixture with some paint left over from another house project.
Thanks to the help of my hubster, we cut out a circle made of chickenwire to fit the top of the lampshade. We then cut out a smaller opening within that wire circle to rest above the light fixture. This method was the simplest way to attach the lampshade to the ceiling fan. It allowed light to escape through the top of the shade and required no glue, as the shade rests right against the chicken wire.
Looking good, no? All that was left was to spray paint the old wood colored fan blades white and reattached them to the fixture.
Voila! And let there be light!
I genuinely love the transformation. The ceiling fan being white makes the walls seem taller, as the fixture visually disappears into the ceiling. The lampshade ads a modern touch to the room. I was so happy that we found a way to make the project work, even though I was clumbsy and broke the lighting fixture in the initial stages of the project. We reworked the old ugly fan and made it something quite snazzy!
Be sure to check out Young House Love for your own home project inspiration!

January 7, 2011

a few photos

So we got a new couch cover.

And Violet likes it a lot.
I think her new outfit goes nicely with the decor.

We tried to take a mommy daughter picture, but violet wanted to put the lens cap back onto the camera. She was done!

Even though this photo of her is blurry, I just love her pleasant little expression! Oh, and Wallace is in the photo too, so it is a great little picture!
